Un informe de Biosalud Day Hospital alerta de la creciente intoxicación por metales pesados en la población española
Desde Biosalud Day Hospital hemos elaborado un informe a partir de una revisión de estudios y datos propios y este
Biosalud Day Hospital is a medical speciality centre and day hospital with more than 35 years of experience in the care of our patients from a holistic approach. Integrative Medicine.
We look at each person from a...
Este documento elaborado por Biosalud Day Hospital, pretende proporcionar una visión integral y actualizada sobre estos temas cruciales para profesionales de la salud, investigadores y público interesado en la intersección entre salud ambiental y avances médicos.
Desde Biosalud Day Hospital hemos elaborado un informe a partir de una revisión de estudios y datos propios y este
Biosalud Day Hospital cumple 40 años en 2025 como un hospital de día pionero en su visión de la medicina
La enfermedad de Lyme es una infección causada por la bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, transmitida principalmente por la mordedura de ciertas
The people at the reception, the first ones I had contact with: they are very attentive, close and efficient. The medical staff are very close, with a GLOBAL vision of health which I value enormously, and offer explanations to understand the process. The nursing staff: of great human and professional quality. The auxiliary staff: very close, attentive and available. In general I would say that they are a friendly team, you feel helped and when I have needed something between consultations, the response has always been quick and efficient. I live in France and distance is not a problem because the communication works. Thank you very much for your work!
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