Un informe de Biosalud Day Hospital alerta de la creciente intoxicación por metales pesados en la población española
Desde Biosalud Day Hospital hemos elaborado un informe a partir de una revisión de estudios y datos propios y este
Biosalud Day Hospital is a medical speciality centre and day hospital with more than 35 years of experience in the care of our patients from a holistic approach. Integrative Medicine.
We look at each person from a...
Este documento elaborado por Biosalud Day Hospital, pretende proporcionar una visión integral y actualizada sobre estos temas cruciales para profesionales de la salud, investigadores y público interesado en la intersección entre salud ambiental y avances médicos.
Desde Biosalud Day Hospital hemos elaborado un informe a partir de una revisión de estudios y datos propios y este
Biosalud Day Hospital cumple 40 años en 2025 como un hospital de día pionero en su visión de la medicina
La enfermedad de Lyme es una infección causada por la bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, transmitida principalmente por la mordedura de ciertas
Maximum satisfaction. I have had digestive problems for years and nobody has been able to help me. Here they gave me a solution after a whole battery of tests that detected the source of my symptoms. They should introduce these innovative techniques in more clinics and stop treating only the symptoms. Highly recommended.
For more than a decade, my life was marked by a condition that affected my day-to-day life, sapping my energy and enthusiasm. The diagnosis of metabolic thyroid dysregulation seemed to be a constant sentence, until I met Dr. *** and his exceptional team at Biosalud Day Hospital. The simple act of describing the magnitude of the impact Dr. *** has had on my life feels insufficient. It has been years of struggle, visits to multiple specialists and treatments that barely managed to alleviate the symptoms. However, from the first meeting with Dr. Bueno, his holistic approach and tireless dedication to finding the root of my condition has been the beacon that has guided my journey to healing. He has not only approached my condition as a simple diagnosis, but has explored every detail, every symptom that previously seemed isolated, to uncover the complexity of my thyroid metabolic dysregulation. His exceptional clinical insight, backed by Biosalud Day Hospital's state-of-the-art diagnostic facilities, revealed a complete picture of my condition, something no other doctor had been able to see so clearly. The most remarkable thing about the care provided by Dr. and his team has been their holistic approach. They not only focused on the specific condition, but considered my overall wellbeing. From the first consultation, I felt that my voice was heard and my concerns were taken into account. This humane approach, combined with his exceptional medical competence, made all the difference in my healing process. The Dr. not only offered me a treatment
Evidence-based treatments, which require active patients who take co-responsibility for their state of health. Each person is different, but in any chronic disease it is always essential to have certainty, as well as a good relationship of trust and closeness with both the doctor and the rest of the team.
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