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Will Broken Shoulder Tendons Regenerate?

Torn shoulder tendons can be regenerated

The shoulder is one of the most injured joints of the upper trunk. Repetitive movements, blows, falls and accidents, sports such as tennis or cricket cause injuries and pain in the shoulder and, if not treated properly, they can become chronic. In this article we want to explain that torn shoulder tendons can be regeneratedand how this can be put into practice. We will also give advice on how to detect that you are suffering from such an injury. Finally, we will discuss in detail the best regenerative medicine treatment for the shoulder, which is one of the most effective treatments for the shoulder. joint regeneration treatments.

 Symptoms of shoulder tendon rupture

When someone suffers a supraspinatus tendon rupture the symptoms suffered by the patient are quite common and frequent. Among them, it is worth mentioning the pain when raising and lowering the armThe result of this is that it can be caused by a variety of factors, such as sports or gymnastics, or an everyday activity such as putting a book on the shelf. It also occurs pain when you lie on the injured shoulder or feel a stiffness in this limb. In addition, movement is limited. As a result, this injury is uncomfortable on a day-to-day basis and should be treated as soon as possible to avoid future problems.

Treatment to regenerate torn shoulder tendon

The injured shoulder can be treated through regeneration. Regenerative medicine can be used to treat joint, tendon and muscle injuries and allow the patient to regain mobility and forget about pain forever. There is three levels of treatment depending on the injury suffered by the patient, from less to more complex: the first level is that of the application of Platelet Rich Plasma - PRP, the second level includes Joint Regeneration Treatment with Ultra Concentrated Growth Factors (UFG) + ozone and the third level is Joint Regeneration Treatment with Ultra Concentrated Growth Factors (UFG) + ozone + Autologous Serum Rich in Cytokines (SARC).

From here you can access all the joint regeneration treatments.

In previous paragraphs, we have explained that a torn shoulder tendon can regenerate and now we bid you farewell by recommending you to visit the clinic Biosalud Day Hospital. At our facilities you will be treated by doctors who specialise in shoulder injuries and other joint problems, and who are experts in the treatment of shoulder and joint problems. regenerative medicine treatments. These methods tackle the root of the problem and once the tear or rupture is healed, all symptoms will also disappear.

H 2 External sources

National Institutes of Health


Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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