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90% of people with fibromyalgia have a sleep disturbance

According to several scientific studies, 90% of people with fibromyalgia have some form of sleep disorder. Moreover, there are researchers who claim that the same sleep dysfunction could trigger fibromyalgia.

On the other hand, insomnia itself causes higher levels of pain and anxiety, and therefore has a greater impact on fibromyalgia. Therefore, it is particularly relevant to develop programmes for fibromyalgia patients based mainly on improving sleep quality.

In this sense, according to some researchers, vitamin D could play an important role in improving the nervous system of people diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and therefore in affecting the improvement of sleep quality. According to the National Library of Medicine According to a US study, vitamin D is not only necessary for calcium production and bone-building, but may also have benefits that help combat insomnia.

The possible link between sleep disorders and immune dysfunctions

We should also note the possible link between sleep disorders in people diagnosed with fibromyalgia and immune dysfunctions, according to research, as interleukin 1B responses in the regulation of the mechanisms of sleep, increases parasympathetic activity and disrupts normal sleep processes. The interleukin 1B is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that plays an important role in the body's defence.

The sympathetic nervous system is activated when we are active. However, the parasympathetic nervous system runs while we sleep and in phases of relaxation. So what happens to people with fibromyalgia? Because they have an altered neurovegetative system, they probably spend more time in the sympathetic phase, so their sleep is disturbed.

Many studies show that a very high percentage of fibromyalgia patients would not reach deep sleep phases, with intermittent and continuous awakenings, thus disrupting REM sleep. The result? Poor sleep quality, chronic fatigue, increased physical pain, cognitive, emotional and mood problems, and morning stiffness.

On the other hand, the physical pain generated by the disease itself would also lead to a decrease in sleep, so that the patient would enter a repetitive cycle: the pain would lead to a decrease in sleep, but, in turn, the lack of rest would lead to even more pain.

At Biosalud Day Hospital We have been researching this pathology for years. We have treated thousands of patients with excellent results. We approach the problem of fibromyalgia through integrative medicine, i.e. we combine several of the techniques of biological medicine with those of conventional medicine. Among the techniques we apply in our biological medicine treatments are ozone therapy and molecular hyperthermia, among others. Many of our patients who used to suffer excruciating pain and could not get a good night's rest, now enjoy a better quality of life, energy and enthusiasm.

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Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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