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Fibromyalgia pain points, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and nutrition

¿Cómo se trata la fibromialgia en Biosalud?

En Biosalud Day Hospital tratamos cualquier enfermedad buscando las causas de la misma.

Las enfermedades autoinmunes y, en particular la fibromyalgia, requiere un tratamiento inmunomodulador. Para ello es importantísimo determinar los factores causales que han puesto en marcha la enfermedad. Los tratamientos con inmunosupresores con frecuencia no funcionan e incluso agravan la sintomatología del paciente.

European Reference Centre for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme disease

Causes of Fibromyalgia

The specific causes of the onset of fibromyalgia are not known today despite the studies that have been carried out on the disease. Some results link the disease to a deficiency of the pain threshold, as differences in brain activity and blood flow in response to a painful stimulus have been observed between a fibromyalgia sufferer and a healthy person.

As a centre for biological medicine, in Biosalud Day Hospital, we analyse the causes of fibromyalgia, always accompanied by viral or bacterial infections, metabolic disturbances and especially the ability of mitochondria to produce energy, heavy metal poisoning, acid pH, oxidative stress, etc.

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

The main symptom is the diffuse, widespread, generalised musculoskeletal pain or prominent stiffness affecting at least three anatomical sites and lasting for at least three months. The pain is usually intense and often difficult to describe.

It is generally worsened by intense physical exercise, cold, and emotional stress. Painful symptoms are often accompanied by sleep disturbances. Fibromyalgia sufferers have difficulty falling asleep or have very light sleep and wake frequently during the night.

Fibromyalgia Treatment

Once the pathophysiological diagnosis has been established and other illnesses have been ruled out, a personalised treatment protocol with several phases combining several of the techniques used in the biological medicine and if necessary from conventional medicine, i.e. what is known as a integrative medicine.

Among the techniques that we apply in our biological medicine treatments, are the ozone therapy or the molecular hyperthermia.


En Biosalud estamos en la vanguardia de la Medicina y Tecnología desde 1985. Disponemos de las terapias más efectivas y con la más sólida base científica para el tratamiento de la fibromialgia y, en muchos casos, únicas en España, como son:

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