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Sun exposure: risks and treatment

Sunny day at the beach

During the holidays we are more exposed to the direct action of the sun. Adequate protection is essential to avoid the consequences and if any injury occurs, biological medicine offers you solutions.

Our skin is the part of our body that suffers the most during the summer, and not only because of direct sunlight. It should be borne in mind that the sun's rays are also reflected in the water and sand, so an umbrella does not ensure full protection.. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet light can cause sunburn, increasing the risk of dermal damage and certain pathologies.

The most serious disease is the SKIN CANCERAccording to the Spanish Association Against Cancer, these include melanomas and skin carcinomas. The main risk factor for their appearance is solar radiation, capable of mutating the DNA of skin cells and preventing their regeneration, thus initiating the process of cancer formation. The treatments of integrative oncology at Biosalud Day Hospital, as well as cancer immunotherapy., strengthen the immune system in a natural way and can counteract the side effects of conventional treatment. Their suitability depends on the clinical picture and characteristics of the patient, and they are always carried out in collaboration with the referring oncologist.

Another less serious but no less important condition is premature skin ageing. Wrinkles and spots or hyperpigmentations usually appear after the age of 35 and affect the majority of the population over the age of 65. In addition to taking care of the skin, we must pay special attention to the neck. A highly visible area with very sensitive skin where the signs of ageing caused by the sun are particularly reflected.At Biosalud we improve the appearance of the skin, which can regain its firmness and luminosity with a platelet-rich plasma treatment, which will also act against premature cell ageing. 

Watch out for the eyes

Any part of the body that is exposed can be damaged, even areas that remain covered, depending on the material and weave of the clothing. Extreme care should be taken to protect the eyes, which are very sensitive to ultraviolet light. Sun exposure to the lens can cause roughness and stinging, in some cases, it can cause cataracts or chemical burns to the cornea, and in more extreme cases, blindness due to retinal damage.

The main eye protection is sunglasses and avoiding exposure to sunlight between 10am and 4pm. These are the hours when the sun is at its highest and when it projects the most aggressive ultraviolet rays. It is always essential to protect yourself, but even more so to prevent and maintain good eye health. One of the natural complements that Biosalud recommends is the bilberry extract. This supplement improves circulation and increases oxygen and energy levels in the eyes, perfect for preventing cataracts or poor vision. 

Attention to hair

Chlorine and chemicals found in swimming pools, saltpetre from the sea, the sun's rays or increased sweating weaken hair follicles.. These "aggressions", typical of summer, can alter the natural molecular structure of the hair, modify its colouring, its natural pH and cause it to fall out.

Faced with the progressive destruction of hair, Biosalud has the most advanced technical means to carry out a complete diagnosis of the dysfunctions of the hair system and their consequences. In just three individualised sessions you can improve hair health and will achieve greater volume, eliminating the harmful effects of summer.  


Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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