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History of colon hydrotherapy and how it differs from enemas


The colon hydrotherapy has been used for centuries. It cleanses the entire colon, with enemas only the lower part of the colon.

Ancient use of colon hydrotherapy

Historical development of colon hydrotherapy

The procedure of colon hydrotherapy has been around for centuries.. The Egyptians used it as early as 1500 BC for the treatment of various diseases. An Egyptian papyrus mentioned the use of purgatives, enemas, diuretics, heat, steam and bloodletting. Ancient and modern tribes of the Amazon, Central Africa and remote parts of Asia have also used river water for bowel cleansing. The founding fathers of Western medicine, Hippocrates, Galen and Paracelsus, used and prescribed the use of enemas for colon cleansing. In the early 20th century, the popularity of the treatment skyrocketed in Europe and the USA. In fact, from the 1920s to the 1960s, enemas were common practice in hospitals.

Modern medicine and its ability to treat many health problems has pushed natural and complementary therapies into the background. However, many people are aware of the implications of taking medication in terms of side effects and increased toxic load on the body. There is no medication that can cure digestive problems such as malabsorption caused by underlying stress, constipation, bloating, recurrent yeast infections, dysbiosis, intestinal discomfort, etc.

Difference between colonic hydrotherapy and enema

With people wanting to take more control over their health, complementary therapies are becoming popular again, and many people use colon hydrotherapy to treat the symptoms of digestive disorders and detoxify their bodies.. Colon hydrotherapy differs from an enema. Enemas only cleanse the lower part of the large intestine. and patients have to hold the water for a period of time and then sit on the toilet to try to remove the waste. Several treatments may be required to work effectively. Colon hydrotherapy cleanses the entire colon without the need to hold back or be uncomfortable. It is a 45-minute treatment that uses a machine to control the water temperature and flow.

Colon hydrotherapy removes waste, irritants and allergy triggers from the intestine.. Rehydrates the intestine and helps repair the intestinal wall, which will help replace digestive and rebalance the intestinal flora. It will restore normal bowel function by exercising and toning the bowel and re-establishing the bowel-brain connection. It also helps to re-educate the owner of the gut about how it works and provides visual reinforcement of the need to eat well and maintain stress levels.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

3 thoughts on “Historia de la hidroterapia de colon y su diferencia con los enemas”

    • Good morning,

      this is a general information blog and in no way replaces the consultation and treatment prescribed by a specialist. We cannot give you an answer by this means. Please note that all treatments must be prescribed by a doctor.

  1. My experience is with enemas, I don't see the difference between the two things, I try to be clean inside, for over 60 years I have been giving myself generous enemas of 2 to 3 litres to help eliminate everything, and sometimes repeat it. I have always been and am healthy.

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