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6th Biomedicine Innovation Forum in Zaragoza: European Platform on Healthy Ageing

6th Biomedicine Innovation Forum in Zaragoza: European Platform on Healthy Ageing

The Bio-Med Aragon Association will organise on 26 June from 16:00 to 19:30 at the Biomedical Research Centre of Aragon (Salón de Actos Lorente de Nó of the CIBA Building, Avenida de San Juan Bosco nº 13 " Postal code 50009 Zaragoza), the 6th Biomedical Innovation Forum: European Platform on Healthy Ageing.

This forum will feature the experience of professionals specialising in improving health, wellbeing and quality of life, especially for the elderly. on the one hand, and on the other hand, companies interested in developing programmes that protect and promote the health of older people.

The main mission of this forum is to serve as a meeting point for researchers, professionals, entities and companies with the aim of creating collaborations that cooperate to boost this sector in our environment.

The first initiative is the European Innovation Partnership in the field of anti-ageing medicine.

This pilot project aims to increase the healthy life expectancy of European citizens by 2 years by 2020, by means of a pilot project:

  • The improvement of health, well-being and quality of life, mainly in older people.
  • More sustainable and effective health and social care systems in the long term.
  • Increasing the competitiveness of EU industry through companies and expansion into new markets.


Biological medicine and anti-aging in Biosalud


At Biosalud we diagnose and treat all types of illnesses through Biological Medicine, curing and relieving people from the cause of the illness, with a personalised treatment for each patient.

Biosalud has an anti-ageing treatment unit with different techniques that help us to calibrate the care needed by each patient who comes to us.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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