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Back pain Do you know if your car is the cause?

Back pain at the wheel

Low back pain and neck pain, the most common

Today we spend a lot of time sitting in front of the steering wheelWhether it's taking the children to school, taking them to their activities, going to work, going shopping, let alone driving, this, together with the stress of rushing, being late, the continuous vibration of the car, traffic jams and an inadequate posture in the seat, causes us serious problems. back painwhich must be treated appropriately and in a timely manner.


The most frequent ailments of the frequent driver are low back pains and cervical painLet's see why:

  • The seats of the car are too low, so the legs are resting on one side of the car. position that forces us to keep bending our hips, so that our back acquires an unnatural curve. This can lead to lower back pain, which in time can develop into lumbago and sciatica.
  • The position in which we place our backing can also create a big problem for us, if it is not placed properly it will force us to keeping the neck upright in a forced manner for a long period of timeIf we add to this, keeping the arms too stretched out creates tension in the shoulders that aggravates the tension in the neck, causing neck pain and with it dizziness, dizziness, headaches, cramps in the hands, loss of strength,...

Therefore, knowing and acquiring a proper driving posture and treating ailments in time will help us to give our spine a long life.

In our clinic we can offer you support and treatment with a combination of different and innovative techniques for the recovery of this type of ailment and for the prevention of future pain.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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