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Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Physiotherapy will teach you mobility guidelines to minimise the effects of the effects

Do your hands, arms and fingers hurt a lot, do they fall asleep, do you feel tingling, weakness, clumsiness in handling and grasping objects and a feeling of swelling?

If to all these symptoms we add that you work as a cleaner, jackhammer, cashier, butcher, housewife, childcare worker, seamstress, carpenter, computer worker or any other job that involves manual work over time, then it will be in the potential risk groups to suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. The physiotherapy can help you in your treatment


In the wrist, we have several nerves that send information to the brain, which in turn sends orders to the nerves in the wrist. musclestendons and ligaments to perform the ideal movement of the wrist. One of these tendons is found in our wrist in the form of a horizontal band (from one side to the other) and which, together with the bones, form a tunnel, through which nerves, other tendons and ligaments pass underneath and which will perform the function of flexion and extension of the hand.

When this tunnel narrows for various reasonsThe most common causes are: trauma, diabetes, fluid retention due to pregnancy, obesity, arthritis, thyroid conditions, tumours, infections, bending for long periods of time due to the type of work we do). oppresses all these structures and above all the median nerve, causing all these symptoms.If the condition worsens over time, it can lead to permanent loss of sensation or even shrinkage of the thumb or stiffness of the hand, and surgery is the only treatment.

Treatments for this type of condition are surgery in severe cases or in cases that do not improve with previous treatment, steroid injections, immobilisation of the wrist, especially at night, and physiotherapy.

carpal tunnel syndrome physiotherapy

It is best, if you are in the potentially dangerous group, to prevent it before symptoms appear or, if you have already started to feel them, to treat them before they become more serious. and for this the best option is physiotherapy.

The physiotherapist will teach you mobility guidelines in your work to minimise harmful movements and actions.The patient is taught how to put on the splint and when to wear it and how long to wear it during the day, as well as US treatments, CHC treatments, laser treatments, mobilisations….

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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