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Shellfish intolerance is mitigatable


The shellfish intolerance is one of the most common, along with fish intolerance. In fact, 8% of food allergies in Spanish adults correspond to this food. But not all seafood has a same likelihood of allergy. The most intolerant are crustaceans such as shrimps and prawns, followed by molluscs (mussels, cuttlefish, snails…). It has been shown that mites have proteins similar to shellfish so it is more likely that those with this allergy are prone to develop shellfish allergy.

Shellfish intolerance is mitigatable

The symptoms of intolerance reactions usually appear within 15 minutes to two hours after eating a piece of shellfish, but in patients with certain circumstances reactions may occur later. The most common symptoms are urticaria and angioedema. This intolerance is more complicated if it occurs in adulthood, as it tends to remain for the rest of our lives, so this food should always be avoided.

But it is not only when we eat the food that the intolerance manifests itself. It can also occur while we are handling it. In this case it can be identified by the eczema that appears, especially on the hands.

At Biosalud we have long been concerned about improving the quality of life of our patients and this begins with diet. We will treat a person with shellfish intolerance so that they can lead a completely healthy life.

A study of your DNA will be essential to know the reason for your intolerance to seafood and also to know which other foods may be beneficial to your health and which may be harmful. This will be achieved by means of an analysis of 300 allergens that will provide us with information about the individual. After this, if it turns out that you are intolerant to shellfish, we will maintain a diet that will eliminate this food for two months together with a homeopathic treatment to try to correct the intolerance.

But the most important thing is maintaining a balanced diet in which to eat everything, but with a series of recommendations: eating seasonal foods from our geographical area. All this will help us to lead a healthier life.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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