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Homeopathic medicines

Homeopathic medicines


Homeopathy is a discipline used in Complementary Medicine based on the similia similibus curantur (peer therapy), in which the disease is treated with substances that would produce the same symptoms in a normal person under normal conditions, but with minimal (infinitesimal) doses. It has no side effects or contraindications.

A homeopathic medicinal product is defined by European legislation (article 1.5 of Directive 2001/83/EC, as amended by Directive 2004/27/EC) as: Any medicinal product obtained from substances called homeopathic stocks in accordance with a homeopathic manufacturing procedure described by the European Pharmacopoeia or, failing that, in the pharmacopoeias currently used officially in the Member States.

Homeopathy is a medical discipline that offers an effective holistic and natural approach for the treatment of the disease. It is holistic because it treats the person as a whole person and it is natural because its resources are obtained from natural sourceswhether vegetable, mineral or animal.

Natural homeopathic medicines

The word homeopathy, which comes from the Greek, means just like the disease. This means that the medicine administered is like the disease the person is expressing, in its entirety, not as a specific disease category or medical diagnosis. It is precisely the opposite of the symptomatic medicine that is so widespread today, based on the contraria contrariis curantur.

The four fundamental laws of homeopathy "the Laws of Similars, single remedy, minimum dose and direction of cure". are the philosophical basis of this powerful healing modality. Each of these laws identifies an aspect of homeopathy that differentiates it from other healing philosophies.

The first law, the Law of Similarswas named after the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann. The concept, however, was known much earlier. Hippocrates and the Oracle of Delphi had already discussed the theory that what one substance can cause, it can cure

Hahnemann, through the process he called proving, began to pay attention to and take notes on the reactions that a healthy person, himself, would have in response to a given substance. For example, the symptoms he developed after drinking cinchona bark extract were similar to the symptomatic picture of malaria. The treatment for malaria is quinine, a product of cinchona bark. Hahnemann concluded that if cinchona bark can cause symptoms, it must also be able to resolve them (given in infinitesimal doses).

Hahnemann believed that a homeopath must not prescribe more than one remedy at a time. To determine which remedy is unique and best suited to an individual's needs, one must have a complete picture of one's condition at the time. There are several excellent volumes available for reference.

The third law, the minimum dosestates that one must take the smallest dose to awaken one's own life force to initiate the healing process.. This conservative attitude allows a physician to relieve the individual in his healing process. Hahnemann believed that healing should be quick, gentle and permanent.

The fourth Fundamental Law of homeopathy describes the direction of healing. When a person functions closer to health, he or she has an identifiable pattern of healing. Firstly, healing moves downwards from the head to the feet. Secondly, from a major organ to a minor organ. Thirdly, it moves from the inside to the outside. Finally, there is a reversal of symptoms.

The first three directions follow a logical path down and out of the body. The fourth direction is quite interesting in that as new illnesses resolve, older or previously suppressed symptoms reappear. For example, an old knee injury that was thought to be healed may reappear after the resolution of a migraine attack (because of the direction and reversal of symptoms).

Minimum doses without side effects

Homeopathic medicines stimulate the body's own healing processes.. Each treatment is tailored to the individual patient. Homeopathy is normally a safe treatment, as it uses medicines in very diluted quantities, and has no side effects.


Homeopathic treatment is an effective method for healing both acute and chronic illnesses, as millions of patients and thousands of homeopathic physicians maintain. It can even achieve a long lasting to permanent cure, and treat the disease at its roots, for most ailments. The body of clinical evidence for the efficacy of homeopathy continues to accumulate. Several research studies have shown that overall, three-quarters of patients with chronic illnesses reported feeling "moderately better" or "much better". A number of rigorous clinical trials have shown homeopathy to be superior to placebo; others have shown similar effects to conventional treatments.

Homeopathy is an effective alternative to antibiotics in infectious diseases leading to rapid recovery.. Viral infections are also very well treated with homeopathy. In addition, homeopathy is effective for a variety of ailments that occur in children, including behavioural problems. Other diseases treated successfully include: skin diseases such as acne, boils, eczema, psoriasis, warts; musculoskeletal pain, arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica, bursitis and fibromyalgia; allergies, frequent infections; tension headache and migraine; heartburn, gastritis, constipation, intestinal diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease; frequent colds, sinusitis, tonsillitis, coughs, asthma and respiratory infections; emotional illnesses such as depression, anxiety, insomnia; menstrual disorders, premenstrual syndrome, infertility, hot flushes; morning sickness, induction of labour, labour pain, lactation problems, breast inflammation (mastitis); coronary heart disease, liver disorders. There are many other diseases, in addition to those listed, in which homeopathy is effective.

Homeopathy: a safe treatment

Homeopathy is safe. Unlike other medicines, homeopathic medicines are non-toxic, harmless and have no adverse side effects. Often patients cannot use conventional prescription medicines because of side effects, but homeopathic medicines can be used safely. Homeopathic medicines are natural medicines, prepared from small amounts of herbs, minerals and animal products.. Their quality and safety are guaranteed by national medicines agencies, based on European Union legislation and the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia. They are suitable for pregnant women, babies and children without having to worry about dosage.

Many childhood illnesses can be very effectively and quickly treated with homeopathy without producing any side effects. Unlike antibiotics and other medicines, homeopathic pills do not hinder digestion or lower the body's resistance. They also do not cause allergies or cause any harm, even if taken over a long period. There is no toxicity, addiction or dependence. Millions of people use them to help themselves, their families and their pets without dangerous physical repercussions.

Homeopathy: a low-cost treatment

Homeopathic medicines are much less expensive than conventional prescription medicines, because they are generic substances, which are not patented and are produced at low cost. On average, homeopathic medicines cost less than 1 per day for acute conditions and a few cents per day (sometimes a fraction of a cent of a dollar) for chronic conditions.

Since homeopathic physicians need to obtain a large amount of information from their patients, a longer consultation time is required. This means that consultations are more expensive than usual consultations. The total costs of a homeopathic treatment can therefore be comparable to those of a conventional treatment. In the long run, however, homeopathy saves money. Under proper homeopathic treatment not only the immediate complaints of the person but also his susceptibility to illness decrease as there is a general improvement of health and therefore less need for medical consultations. So the cumulative costs are very low.

Long-term gains have been demonstrated in several research studies. These show that patients who are treated with homeopathy use fewer medicines, have better health, fewer sick days, fewer visits to specialist doctors, and less time in hospitalthan patients of conventional doctors. Moreover, there are no costs associated with complications due to adverse effects of medication.

In other words, homeopathy can offer significant cost savings to public health agencies, and to the economy in a broader sense, which is why many countries around us have included it in the Social Security system and almost all private health insurance companies have homeopaths on their medical lists.


Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

4 thoughts on “Medicamentos homeopáticos”

  1. I am surprised that some countries in Europe have people dedicated to homeopathy in their medical cadres with all the controversy surrounding this type of treatment. Thank you for your post.

  2. I do not entirely agree with the effectiveness of homeopathy, as I know of a case of a person who spent a long time taking the products prescribed to him in the doctor's surgery and until he went to the doctor he was quite ill. If medicines exist, they exist for a reason and no product can replace them, just as no one can replace a great health specialist such as a doctor.

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