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Hepatic cure: liver and gallbladder cleansing

Hepatic cure: liver and gallbladder cleansing

A liver cleanse is a therapy that can help to tune up this cleansing organ when we live with stress or poor nutrition.

The liver is said to be a filter of our body but it is much more, a laboratory in which nutrients are stored; blood clotting factors are synthesised; bile is produced and the substances we ingest are metabolised to be eliminated in the urine or faeces.

When the liver is diseased and does not perform these vital bodily functions well, serious health problems result and the pathology must be addressed immediately.

When we talk about liver cleansing, we are referring to a careful diet and lifestyle that can help us to prevent diseases, always from the perspective of a good state of health.

In many cases it is recommended that the liver cleansing and gall bladder and the removal of gallstones from the liver with methods such as the one recommended by Andreas Moritz. However, at Biosalud Day Hospital we recommend that any treatment is prescribed by a specialist and is carried out under their supervision.

The use of drugs, pharmaceuticals, chemical substances, poor nutritional habits, stress or unbalanced lifestyles can affect the bile ducts of the liver. This can lead to the development of a number of diseases of all kinds: intestinal, circulatory, pancreatic or cardiac ailments.

The formation of gallstones in the liver can cause problems in the nervous system, as they reduce the distribution of glucose to the brain and the rest of the nervous system.

The Moritz method of liver cleansing

All treatment must be carried out under medical prescription. For your information, we explain the liver cleansing method, which is carried out in two phases: six days of preparation, followed by the actual cleaning, which lasts from 16"20 hours.

The colon hydrotherapy is a treatment that complements this method and enhances its effectiveness by reducing bowel movement problems.

The Biosalud team is a specialist in the application of colon hydrotherapy in its treatments. When we talk about cleansing the body, we promote the removal of stones from the large intestine with ease.

  • It should also be done on the 2nd or 3rd day of the liver cleanse.
  • If there are stones in the colon, they can cause irritation, infection, headaches, stomach aches, thyroid problems, etc.
  • These stones can become a source of toxaemia in the body.
  • Castor oil is an excellent traditional remedy for cleansing the bowel. Take 1 to 3 teaspoons of castor oil in a glass of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning or before going to bed. It can be recommended for severe cases of constipation.

For the liver cleansing or cure, you need to drink one litre of apple juice for 6 days in small sips throughout the day, do not drink anything cold during these days and avoid animal, dairy and fried foods.

The actual cleaning will begin on the sixth day in the afternoon, when a preparation of 4 tablespoons Epsom salts with 3 large glasses of water. Once everything is mixed, we drink the first glass ¾ full, for example, at 7 pm. And repeat the operation again at 9 pm. The magnesium and laxative effect of Epsom salts will dilate the channels of the liver to facilitate the exit of stones or gallstones.

The other ingredient, at around 11 p.m., will be half a glass of extra virgin olive oil with three quarters of a glass of grapefruit juice.

liver cure, grapefruit juice

The oil is a lubricant that facilitates the expulsion of the stones and the grapefruit juice removes the taste of the oil. This process can be repeated the next day in the morning.

At Biosalud Day Hospital we work to promote health. Diet and lifestyle are the best way to keep our organs healthy and performing well. Although we cannot prevent biological ageing or the appearance of illnesses, we can help to maintain a quality of life in accordance with age and provide effective treatments.

*This is a general information article and is not a substitute for the opinion, diagnosis and treatment prescribed by a physician. 

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

7 thoughts on “Cura hepática: limpeza de hígado y vesícula”

    • Good morning, we regret to say that we cannot offer an adequate medical response, this is not an online clinic. At Biosalud we offer personalised treatments that are prescribed after a clinical study and the performance of the appropriate diagnostic tests. Our blog is a means of general information and never replaces the opinion and treatments prescribed by a specialist. Best regards

  1. Good afternoon, I am writing to you from Peru, I would like to have more clarity on the procedure to eliminate gallstones and cleanse the liver.
    Thank's for my beloved mother.

    • César, we recommend that you see a specialist. This is a general information blog and does not replace a consultation and treatment prescribed by a doctor. Regards

  2. Good morning, is it possible to carry out some kind of test at the centre to confirm if we have a liver saturated with toxins? My father has a lot of spots on his skin and when he has taken lemon juice in the mornings, or CDS, after a few days it makes him nauseous at night. I would like to confirm whether it is a liver problem or not with some kind of test.
    Thank you very much.

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