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Two studies provide insight into the genetic complexity of schizophrenia

Genetic complexity of schizophrenia

Two papers published in the scientific journal Nature provide insight into the genetic complexity of schizophrenia. Given that this disorder is caused by multiple genetic mutations, through the investigation of one or more genomic profiles we can prevent the pathologies that a person can develop.


These collaborative studies represent the largest exome sequencing efforts to date to elucidate the disease of schizophrenia and reveal that this mental disorder is possibly caused by many more causes than previously thought.

Researchers from scientific institutions in the United States, England and Sweden reveal major projects that sequenced the genes of 6,948 patients from Bulgaria and Sweden, including people diagnosed with schizophrenia, their parents and a group of healthy controls.

The two projects identified a large number of rare genetic mutations contributing to the risk of schizophreniarather than just a few defective genes. The clinical and genetic data collected on more than 3,000 patients, the researchers say, has yielded the world's largest database on schizophrenia, a technique that will be of great value to the biomedical community in its ongoing efforts to elucidate the factors that contribute to the disease.

With genetics we can prevent diseases

Biosalud's mission is to prevent the tendencies of the different pathologies that a person may develop due to their genetics through the research of one or several genomic profiles.

We have developed a specific unit for the disease prediction and to be able to develop personalised medicine on a scientific basis.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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