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Five effective anti-ageing habits

Woman eating an apple

To look younger, there is no other secret than taking care of yourself inside and out. On the outside, through healthy daily activities. On the inside, through what we eat..

Five effective anti-ageing habits

We suggest these 5 habits anti-ageing that work. Follow them and you will feel younger inside and out:

1. Do not smoke

Tobacco has a very negative impact on many areas of our health. One of them is the skin. A smoker's skin is more worn out, as smoking affects the collagen and elastin present in the skin. A smoker's skin has a duller, lifeless colour. Take this into account and stop smoking!

2. Eat healthily

The ideal is to eat fruit, vegetables and a diet high in fibre, as well as foods with antioxidants and above all vitamins C and E, which delay anti-ageing.

3. Protect yourself from the sun

If you expose yourself to the sun in an exaggerated way, you will lose elastin and collagen in your skin, which will lead to premature ageing. It is advisable to use a sunscreen and apply it 15 minutes before leaving the house.

4. Exercise with weights

Physical exercise helps us to feel better mentally, with a better state of mind, as well as keeping the neurons that control the muscle fibres alive. Especially advisable are exercises with weights, which require strength and endurance and are the ones that will help you fight the signs of aging..

5. Relax

Nowadays, with the pace of life we live, it is very important to find moments of relaxation, mocking the stress. Listen to music, take a walk, enjoy your house, your room, do whatever you like and calm you down, at least for a few minutes a day. Your body will thank you for it.

Anti-ageing medicine at Biosalud

It is a type of preventive medicine that supplements the body's needs as we age to help us stay well.

A series of biochemical and biophysical tests are carried out on blood and urine to determine the patient's biological age in order to compare it with their chronological age. In this way, it is discovered whether the patient is physiologically ageing or, on the contrary, suffering from pathological ageing. After the specific tests, a personalised and therefore the most effective anti-ageing treatment is applied.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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