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Executive and stress

Execute and stress

The "fine tuning" of health under stressful and demanding conditions, the commitment to Biological Medicine

Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine reduces the negative effects of lifestyle and stress on our health.

Stress is a situation of tension caused by a problem in our life, work or health. Science has confirmed that it affects our mental and physical health.

At Biosalud Day Hospital we work to reduce the negative effects of this stress and the demanding pace of life.


The lifestyle and environmental factors or labour market demands and stress, can affect our health and can be a trigger for the onset of diseases. They also have a negative impact on our quality of life, performance and mood.

The Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine counteracts these negative effects and is suitable for those who are feeling well and want to improve their quality of life, prevent disease and reduce the negative effects of stress and toxicity. of the body, caused by our lifestyle habits and environmental factors.

At Biosalud Day Hospital we analyse biomarkers that measure pathological and physiological state and we develop personalised treatments The predisposition to a greater influence of these factors and the appearance of illnesses depends on the existence of previous problems and the genetic load. What we do is to obtain the maximum performance of the person, according to genetics, at all levels, physical and psychological.

We note that we have more and more toxicity in the body, because more and more external factors are being affected. This affects the immune system, which causes diseases due to over-activity (allergies) or under-activity (cancer). This toxicity comes from pollution, deterioration of the environment, food, pesticides...

On the other hand, the effects of the stress can be very negative for health. It has been shown that continued stress accelerates the ageing process by causing an accelerated shortening of telomeres, the chromosomal component that has been associated with cellular ageing and increased risk of diseases such as diabetes and cancer.


Welness- Stressed woman

Studies on the consequences of stress suggest that it contributes to heart disease, immune system diseases or milder illnesses such as skin allergy when we are nervous or stressed.

At Biosalud Day Hospital we are aware of the consequences that the demands of work and lifestyle or stress have on the health and well-being of our patients. we work on the prevention and recovery of deteriorated physical condition.  Our Medical Wellness Programmes of Integrative Medicine provide wellness and quality of life and are a "tune-up" for our patients, in particular the Executive and Anti-Stress programmes, that help to reduce physical and mental fatigue.

Lifestyle, accelerated ageing and disease

The process of ageing of cells, and therefore of our body, can advance faster when the progressive shortening of telomeres is accelerated.. Both phenomena have been linked in several scientific studies that claim that when we expose our bodies to years of chronic stressful arousal, we find effects that override normal ageing and cause our telomeres to look like those of an older person.

On the other hand, it has been studied that people with disorders related to dysregulated emotional responses, especially depression, compared to people who have never experienced these disorders, have shorter telomeres.

Researcher Elissa Epel, a collaborator of Elizabeth Blackburn, PhD, winner of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine for her research on telomeres, has studied this question for more than a decade at the University of California, San Francisco, where she directs the Center for Aging, Metabolism and Emotion. In his study called Do stress and depression accelerate cellular ageing, he showed "chronic exposure to certain interconnected biochemical pathways that mediate stress-related depression may contribute to accelerated ageing or cellular damage, and some comorbid medical diseases".

Also diseases of the autoimmune system have been linked to the consequences of stress.. For example, a study published in the European Journal of Immunology has confirmed the link between chronic stress and diseases caused by the immune system. The research was carried out on mice subjected to severe stress.


healthy skin

The skin also suffers from the consequences of a "fast-paced" lifestyle."with skin allergies such as dermatitis nervosa. Such diseases can be difficult to diagnose because they are not based on an allergen and the patient's history must be investigated. For example, unresolved family situations, work tensions, emotional or material losses can lead to skin allergies.They alter the nervous system. A Increased psychological stress can exacerbate skin demonstrated by a Temple University study.

Specifically, stress affects biomarkers such as pH, cell oxidation and energy production. Imbalances in these factors are the first thing we correct.

Biosalud Day Hospital's programmes to restore health

Biosalud Day Hospital has various programmes that aim to reduce the negative effects of poor diet or lack of sleep caused by lifestyle or work, and stress.

The Executive Programme is designed especially for people who lead a very demanding lifestyle (stress, poor diet...) and for those who already notice that they have functional problems (memory problems, for example) due to stress and want to reduce the level of internal deterioration. The aim of the treatment is to harmonise the mind and body so that they can adapt to the pace of effectiveness and efficiency required on a daily basis.

In this way, overexertion is compensated and its negative effects are eliminated. This is a stop on the way to a complete overhaul.


stresses and complete overhauls

We first carry out diagnostic tests (Bioscan, Biocheck, Ford, Fort) and then apply personalised therapeutic techniques (Mattech, specific and personalised orthomolecular serotherapy, organic-cellular biostimulation therapy, adrenal meso-stimulation, photon therapy). In addition, participants in this programme receive nutritional coaching sessions.

For its part, the Anti-Stress programme includes a treatment to reduce stress and mental fatigue in people who are tired due to excessive activity and who, unable to change their lifestyle, want to prevent the situation from getting the better of them. With this programme, the negative effects of the pace of life on health can be counteracted.

The diagnostic tests of the Anti-stress programme are Bioscan, Biocheck, Ford, Fort.

And the therapeutic techniques used are : MattechSpecific and personalised orthomolecular serotherapy, electromagnetic bioregulation therapy, organic-cellular biostimulation therapy, adrenal meso-stimulation, photon therapy.

We point out with regard to this programme that:

  • The Mattech o bioenergy check is a very specific diagnostic system of Biological Medicine that evaluates biophysical parameters that allow us to know instantly the bio-logical and functional state of the different organs and anatomical parts of the body. This type of check-up is also used to check the effectiveness of any treatment and, of course, to carry out authentic and scientific preventive medicine.
  • The FORT involves the measurement of cellular oxidation
  • And the FORD measures antioxidant capacity

As we can see, stress is something that sooner or later will affect our state of health. But we can take care of ourselves. Don't hesitate. Starting our Anti-stress or Anti-stress plus programme will allow you to prevent, anticipate and save the situation that stresses you.


Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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