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Drinking sea water

Sea water


René Quinton, the forerunner in spreading the health benefits of sea water

René Quinton was a French scientist who proposed that the origin of life is in the sea, and that the human body is like the ocean.. An optimal state of health can be achieved by means of marine plasma or microfiltered seawater.

Rene Quinton's famous phrase is that life does not submit to the environment, but on the contrary, it is the environment that submits to life, to the cell.

This man was considered in his time to be as famous as Charles Darwin. And not just anyone said so, but the French Academy of Sciences praised his contributions to biology.

This information can be obtained from a post about Rene Quinton, entitled Rene Quinton, a forgotten sageby Pedro Pozas Terrados.

Reading this article, one can see that Rene Quinton claimed that seawater was very similar in composition to the blood of vertebrates. That is why, among his many tests, he emptied a street dog of blood and injected it with isotonic seawater. The animal was cured.

Your assertion that marine serum gives biological strength to the cell to fight most diseases.This certainly contrasts with Louis Pasteur's theory in his work on attacking invading microbes, which is considered by some to be the beginning of the use of vaccines and antibiotics.

An experiment similar to Quinton's was carried out in much more modern times (Quinton was born in 1866 in Chaumes, Brie in France) in Tenerife in 1975. In experiments with dogs, the results were satisfactory.

Seawater contains all 118 elements of the periodic table and is claimed to be more effective than artificial serum.

Elements of seawater

More recent experiments also took place in Tenerife at the University of La Laguna in 2003. In this case, dogs were injected with hypertonic water from the Atlantic Ocean itself, after bleeding them, and all of them did well.

Continuing with Quinton, it seems that his experiments quickly became famous. The malnutrition of children at that time was reduced. And he applied his knowledge to diseases such as typhus, diarrhoea, cholera and tuberculosis, among others.

Quinton was the son of a doctor, but he was not a qualified physician. When the First World War came along, his detractors took the opportunity to deny his theories.

Quinton demonstrated in his experiments that white blood cells survive without any problem in seawater. Through his Laws of Constancy he showed that the inside of the human being is similar to the composition of seawater and that if we keep the elements existing in the ocean (ph, salinity, temperature, etc.) in our interior we will be in good health.

Properties of seawater

Quinton seawater, known as Quinton Plasma, continues to be used in the USA and in European countries. to treat various diseases, such as infections, malnutrition, intestinal problems, obesity or arthritis.

According to Discovery Dsalud magazine, the extraordinary purity of the Quinton Laboratories' seawater is scientifically proven, as it originates from a place with characteristics that make it ideal for therapeutic use, such as solar penetration, the metres of distance between the surface and the bottom or the degrees centigrade.

Seawater contains all known chemical elements. And seawater and our internal environment perform similar functions.


Seawater is isotonichas the same mineral composition as human blood plasma "because of evolution we were fish before homo".

Plasma is replaced periodically and if it is clean, the immune system functions better.

Sea water has micronutrients which have not been successfully imitated, is alkaline and is perfect for acidifying diseases as it compensates for excess acidity.

It is also antiseptic, anti-infective and anti-infectious.It does not become infected, no pathogenic gene survives in it, it is the best natural disinfectant there is.

Benefits of seawater

The benefits of seawater continue to be maintained in recent years. Seawater bathing is having a renaissance and the word thalassotherapy (the use of seawater in health restoration and maintenance), is increasingly being used by people who subscribe to complementary therapies.

The use of seawater as a form of therapy, also known as thalassotherapy, has been around for centuries and was used by the ancient Egyptians. In today's spas seawater is used and is claimed to reduce tension and stress, detoxify the skin and improve circulation, produce weight loss and speed control of cellulite and even relieve menopausal discomfort.

Sea water has a beneficial effect on the following disorders; dermatitis, fungal infections such as athlete's foot, psoriasis, eczema and vitiligo.

In addition, the magnesium content of seawater is strong enough to have a nourishing and calming effect on the nerves.

Seawater, as found in the oceans, contains approximately 35 grams of salt per litre of water. This salt water offers several health benefits, although it should be noted that excessive consumption of seawater, salt water for that matter, can potentially lead to some diseases such as hypernatremia.

Reasons to drink seawater

At the digestive level, the salt water begins to activate the salivary glands in the mouth, releasing amylase. This initial step in the digestive process is very important. In the stomach, natural salt stimulates hydrochloric acid and a protein-digesting enzyme, which help break down food. It also stimulates secretions in the intestinal tract and liver, which aid digestion.

As for the nervous system, the minerals in salt calm the nerves by reducing cortisol and adrenaline, two dangerous stress hormones.

Regarding bones, a popular theory in relation to osteoporosis and other bone disorders is that the body uses calcium and other minerals in the bones in order to survive and neutralise acidity in the blood. Because seawater is full of naturally healthy minerals and has an alkalising effect, it helps to improve bone health.

Also for the skin, natural salt has minerals that help the skin look and glow, sulphur keeps the skin clean and soft and can help maintain a dry scalp, acts against eczema and rashes, which are often the result of a deficiency of sulphur and zinc, promotes rapid healing of wounds, stimulates the immune system and regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Another positive aspect of drinking seawater is related to the respiratory system. Lar salt is effective in reducing inflammation in the respiratory system. This slows down the production of phlegm. Some say that sprinkling sea salt on the tongue after drinking a glass of water is as effective as using an inhaler. But the good thing about sea salt is that it has no side effects when taken in moderation.

The ideal ratio for drinking seawater we recommend: 20 ml of sea water (clean, not beach water) + 50 ml of mineral water. This 70 ml drunk provides a clean plasma.

In conclusion we can say that sea salt is becoming more and more popular, as it contains many essential minerals that our body needs to be healthy. This natural salt is also healthier than the iodised salt available on the market.

At Biosalud, we recommend that all our patients consume this 20ml of seawater with 50 ml of mineral water to improve and preserve their health. It also has very beneficial effects on children, taking 10 ml of the indicated mixture for every 10kg of weight.


Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

8 thoughts on “Beber agua del mar”

  1. Good morning.
    I would like to know if seawater helps to regenerate bone in the case of osteopenia and osteoarthrosis.
    Thank you,

  2. in el the news came out that the doctor JM MULET that sea water is not good for the health and I am somewhat dissatisfied please give me some information thank you.

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