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The importance of getting amino acid levels right

Correct amino acid levels

Amino acids are essential chemicals in our bodies as they combine to form proteins. They are also essential for various vital bodily functions and can even influence mood.

Our body is a complex machine that requires different substances to maintain its activity. Some of these substances are produced by our body and others are found in our food.. This is what happens with the amino acids, essential substances for building proteins and maintaining other biological functions.

The truth is that it is extremely important to maintain optimal levels of amino acids in our organism because if we do not, we are exposed to suffer serious diseases derived from it: from the immune and digestive, nervous and reproductive systems can be affected.. Cataracts, sleep disorders, stress or depression are just some of the diseases linked to a lack of correct amino acid levels.

There are two types of amino acids: the essential amino acidswhich are the ones that we must ingest through our diet because our organism generates them and yet they are the basis of some of our vital processes; and the ones that we must ingest through our diet because our organism generates them and yet they are the basis of some of our vital processes. non-essential amino acidswhich are those that can be synthesised by our body from other substances.

Essential amino acids and the foods they are found in

The nine essential amino acids, their functions and the foods in which we can find them are:

  • Histidine: plays a crucial role in the development of growth and tissue repair. It helps to eliminate heavy metals from the body and is important in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and anaemia.

Foods in which histidine is foundThe main sources are of animal origin: rice, green leafy vegetables although the main sources are of animal origin " eggs, dairy products and meat.

  • Lysine: important role in the Calcium absorption and Nitrogen metabolism. It is essential in collagen formation and reduces triglyceride levels.

Foods in which lysine is foundSkimmed milk, soya, turkey and chicken, peas, corn or egg.

  • Methionine: this amino acid helps to prevent fat accumulation in the liver and arteries to prevent blockage of blood flow. It prevents problems with hair and nails, and people suffering from schizophrenia often have a deficiency of this amino acid.

Foods in which methionine is found: Seafood, beef and eggs are the animal foods that provide us with methionine. Nuts, soya and beans are also sources of this amino acid.

  • Tryptophan: amino acid whose deficiency is often accompanied by situations of stress, insomnia, anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, etc. It is very important to maintain the correct levels because plays a key role in mood.

Foods in which tryptophan is found: eggs, turkey and chicken meat and oily fish, among foods of animal origin. Nuts, bananas, avocados and seeds are also good sources of tryptophan.

  • Phenylalnine: this amino acid is a precursor of the neurotransmitters tyrosine, dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine. It plays a key role in the structure and function of protenins and enzymes and in the production of other amino acids.

Foods in which phenylalnine is found: In addition to meat, dairy products and eggs, phenylalanine is found in asparagus, peanuts, chickpeas and lentils, among others. Phenylalanine is present in sweets, soft drinks and diet foods with artificial sweeteners.

  • Valinais one of the so-called branched-chain amino acids due to the characteristics of its molecular structure. It helps stimulate muscle growth and regeneration and is involved in energy production. It also protects the nervous system, helps to balance blood sugar levels and regulate sleep.

Foods in which valine is found: poultry, dairy products - especially cottage cheese - and eggs. As for foods of animal origin, valine is present in brown rice, peanuts, brewer's yeast and peaches, among others.

  • Threonine: this is an amino acid of vital importance for the proper functioning of liver functions. It is also a major part of the structure of collagen or elastin. It is also important because it contributes to the formation of antibodies and strengthens the immune system, protecting us against viruses and bacteria.

Foods in which threonine is found:  dairy products, eggs and meat, especially rabbit, turkey, chicken and pork, as well as offal. Threonine is also found in vegetables such as broccoli, aubergine, onion and pumpkin, in routes such as bananas, strawberries and pineapple, and in rice, chickpeas and oats.

  • Leucineis another essential amino acid for protein synthesis and muscle regeneration. It also provides energy to organs and muscles. It is said to be the essential amino acid for sport and can mimic insulin by helping sugar to enter the cells.

Foods in which leucine is found: red meat, cheese - especially parmesan cheese - eggs and fish - salmon, tuna, mackerel or halibut - pulses and cereals such as wheat, oats or barley.

  • Isoleucine: a high concentration of this amino acid is present in muscle tissue and is essential for the activation of muscle metabolism. It is also important for the immune system, haemoglobin production and energy regulation.

Foods in which isoleucine is found: dairy products and eggs, as well as lamb, beef, chicken and turkey. Plant foods rich in isoleucine include seaweed, brown rice, wholegrain cereals, brewer's yeast and nuts.

Some of the most important non-essential amino acids

  • Taurine: this amino acid is responsible for helping to strengthening the heart muscle and prevents macular degeneration. Its most important role is that it is a very important component of bile and therefore aids in the digestion of fats. In our experience, it is an amino acid that is almost always found in lower levels than necessary.
  • Glycine: amino acid that helps to slow down muscle degeneration, aiding muscle growth and regeneration of damaged tissues.

Many of today's diseases are related to deficiencies in amino acid levels. in the body. So we need to make sure that we keep them at the right levels. The important thing is not to treat the symptoms, but the causes.

How do I know if my amino acid levels are correct?

At Biosalud®, thanks to our extensive experience of more than 30 years in biological medicine. We have developed the urine analysis AMINOACIDSCHEK URINE whereby thanks to a urine sample taken first thing in the morning, we can find out our amino acid levels and amino acid deficiencies. related to the main metabolic processes in our body. In addition, depending on the deficiencies of each person, their height and weight, we develop a recipe to make up for each person's deficiencies and ensure correct amino acid levels.

You can do this test from your home thanks to BIOSALUD EN TU CASA. We bring the test kit to you and collect the samples. After a few days, you will receive the result in your email.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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