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Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis or arthritis?

Rheumatic physiotherapy

Physiotherapy to slow down its evolution

We all talk about how we know someone or how I've been diagnosed with osteoarthritis or arthritis or how I've been diagnosed with osteoarthritis or arthritis. osteoporosisand we take it for granted that it is a bone disease, but it is actually  do we know the difference between the three and how do we know which one we have and how it is treated and prevented?

Here I will give you a brief explanation of what each one is in order to differentiate between them:

Both osteoarthritis and arthritis are rheumatological diseases that cause pain and reduced mobility, but each has its own peculiarity.

What are  rheumatological diseases? They are those affecting the joints and all the tissues around them (ligaments, tendons, cartilage, muscles, capsule) resulting in pain and inflammation, although other organs or systems (such as heart, eyes, lungs, skin...) may also be affected.

The first difference is that the arthrosisof the two, it is the more frequent and occurs a joint cartilage degeneration Therefore, when this cartilage disappears, the movement will no longer be as cushioned, causing pain, difficulty in moving, bone pain and even, if it disappears, it can cause stiffness. It occurs more in weight-bearing areas such as hips, knees and ankles. The reasons for this are overexertion, overweight, genetic predisposition and injuries.

The arthritis instead it is a inflation of the webbing around that cartilage and what this entails, which is heat in the area and swelling,  but it is not because of degeneration. It is caused by different reasons such as trauma, gout, lupus, infections and immune processes. But if this inflammation continues over time, it can also damage the cartilage.

The second difference is evolution, whereas osteoarthritis is a slowly progressive diseaseIt is therefore more common in older people, arthritis is rapidly progressive and that is why we are increasingly encountering young people suffering from this disease.

The third difference is the symptoms, in osteoarthritis there is pain with movement It disappears with rest, as long as we are in the early stages, because if it evolves, the bones become deformed and will become increasingly stiff and painful. In arthritis there is continuous painThe inflammation does not subside with rest, but, like osteoarthritis, it causes stiffness as it progresses.

And finally we have  osteoporosis or silent disease as there is no pain. This is not rheumatoid disease, what is happening here is that bone is being lost This will make it increasingly fragile and therefore, if we give it a blow, it will produce a big fracture, but if there is no fracture, there is no pain.

The damage caused by these diseases is irreversible and that is why in our centre we treat from the prevention with different methods of cartilage regeneration and one of them is the physiotherapy  helping to slow down or delay its evolution, by means of personal care techniques, massages, thermotherapy, cryotherapy, activities, unloading exercises .... that will help you to prevent this type of disease from progressing, offering more years of life to your joints and bones.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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