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Alternatives to chelation therapy

Chelation therapy alternatives


Eliminating heavy metals through food

It is quite accurate to say that almost all people have been exposed to heavy metals at some point in their lives, and unfortunately, many people are exposed to them on a daily basis.

Heavy metal toxicity is a surprisingly common condition that can lead to serious illness. From vaccines, food, cosmetics, metal amalgams, or drinking water, these metals (and their negative effects) accumulate in the body over time if they are not properly eliminated. Heavy metal toxicity can produce stress in the organism, which is slowly intoxicated, damaging the normal functioning of the organs and weakening the immune system, increasing the predisposition to many chronic and infectious pathologies (especially candidiasis).

Heavy metals are neurotoxins and can cause memory loss, mental confusion, lack of concentration, fatigue, and even depression.

Undergo a medical procedure called chelation therapywhich involves the administration of synthetic chelating agents that bind to and remove heavy metals in the bodyis one way of tackling heavy metal toxicity.

Fortunately, the addition of certain foods to the diet can also help eliminate these metalsThese foods electrically attract and bind to metals, which helps to remove them safely from the body.

The following 6 superfoods can safely help with heavy metal detoxification, although chelation therapy by a medical expert is always best.


Spirulina is a blue-green algae which has many health benefits, apart from helping to remove heavy metals, ''.strengthening the nervous system and the liver. It is also a complete protein, containing all 8 essential amino acids.



Chlorella is other green algaewhich is somewhat more difficult to digest than spirulina, but for the same reason it effectively removes heavy metals from the system. Its cell walls are tough and do not break down easily, binding to toxins in the body and helping with the elimination process.

Atlantic Dulse

Atlantic dulse is a a type of seaweed that contains important nutrients, many of which are often absent from the Western dietincluding iodine, B vitamins, omega 3 and 6, potassium, and more. It binds to metals such as aluminium (one of the most commonly used in the food industry), mercury, copper and lead, directing them all the way through the colon to be eliminated rather than being released back into the body.


Coriander aids in the safe elimination of heavy metals''in the body. It can be eaten raw in salads or with cereals and tacos, or in a delicious juice.. No matter how it is ingested, you will not regret incorporating coriander into your diet.


It is said to be one of the healthiest plants in the worldGinger is a staple to add to the diet. It eases all kinds of digestive problems and can also reduce inflammation in the body. Ginger also supports kidney functionand since the kidneys play a crucial role in the body's elimination processes, eating more of this wonderful root can greatly aid in the detoxification of heavy metals. It is also a great intestinal disinfectant, and one of the most effective against Anisakis. It is taken as an infusion, with stevia and a few drops of lemon, to remove the bitterness.

Milk thistle

Milk thistle is a edible wild plant known to support liver function. Like the kidneys, the liver plays a crucial role in the body's elimination processes, and the liver needs to be supported when it comes to heavy metal detoxification. Milk thistle can be made into tea or taken as a supplement.

milk thistle

All of these foods, along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, can aid in the safe detoxification of heavy metals. Sweating - either through exercise or an infrared sauna - is also essential, as these metals can be eliminated through our sweat.


Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

14 thoughts on “Alternativas a la terapia de quelación”

  1. How do I know that after undergoing chelation therapy my veins and arteries are free of blockages?

  2. i am suffering from barium, silver, aluminium, nickel stannous, cadmium and uranium poisoning i have been having muscle and nerve pains for a long time and nobody could find anything until the analysis i need help to stop my hands and neck pains please

    • Good morning. We recommend that you see your specialist for any medical consultation. This website contains general information that in no way replaces a medical consultation. If you would like a consultation with Biosalud specialists, you can contact our clinics in Madrid 910886292 or in Zaragoza, 976 221133.

    • Good morning. We recommend that you see your specialist for any medical consultation. This website contains general information and is not a substitute for medical advice. Regards

  3. I have my daughter with severe health problems and all the specialists say it is asthma, but they don't pay attention to other symptoms that my daughter has like low blood pressure 85/46 they say it is normal she always feels exhausted she can't lead a normal life she stops breathing for seconds ,throat always irritated and swollen and tachycardia.

    • Good afternoon, we cannot give an answer to your query in this way as this is not an online consultation. If you wish, our Patient Services department can contact you to see if Biosalud can help you.

      Best regards

  4. Thank you very much for the information.
    It would be great if they were plentiful in quantities and combinations.

    • Hello Isabel, our medical team assesses each case on a personalised basis. We have sent an email to your email address. For privacy reasons, we would be grateful if we could keep in touch with you through this channel.

  5. Good morning. Interesting information, how to make a chelation with coriander. Thank you

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