ERITROCITARY fatty acid profile
Estudio que nos permite determinar los niveles de los distintos ácidos grasos en sangre para evaluar nuestro estado de salud actual y el tipo de alimentación. Cuantifica los ácidos grasos omega 3, omega 6, omega 7 y omega 9 junto la determinación de los ácidos grasos saturados y los insaturados.
230,00 €
230,00 €
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Know metabolic status
- Prevention of the development of inflammatory diseases and their consequences (atherosclerosis, diabetes, depression, cancer...).
The study of erythrocyte fatty acids allows us to determine the levels of fatty acids in our blood and to quantify omega 3, omega 6, omega 7 and omega 9 together with the determination of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. It is an essential study as a tool for assessing any nutritional treatment (type of diet and supplementation).
Será necesaria la extracción de sangre venosa. Te facilitaremos todo el material necesario para tomar la muestra y hacérnosla llegar de vuelta a nuestras instalaciones.
Once the samples arrive at Biosalud Day Hospital, we will analyse them and when we have them we will send them to you by email along with our recommendations.
- Approximate time of results:
- Optimal analysis for:
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Know metabolic status
- Prevention of the development of inflammatory diseases and their consequences (atherosclerosis, diabetes, depression, cancer...).
- Type of sample:
The study of erythrocyte fatty acids allows us to determine the levels of fatty acids in our blood and to quantify omega 3, omega 6, omega 7 and omega 9 together with the determination of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. It is an essential study as a tool for assessing any nutritional treatment (type of diet and supplementation).
Será necesaria la extracción de sangre venosa. Te facilitaremos todo el material necesario para tomar la muestra y hacérnosla llegar de vuelta a nuestras instalaciones.
Once the samples arrive at Biosalud Day Hospital, we will analyse them and when we have the results we will send them to you by email along with our recommendations.
- Example of results:
No results found.