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For which pathologies is INUSpheresis® particularly suitable?

List of indications for INUSpheresis®.

At Biosalud Day Hospital we look for the origin of the illness and we approach the treatment of our patients from a personalised point of view, applying Integrative Medicine treatments, which combine conventional medicine with biological medicine.

Our INUSpheresis® equipment allows us to provide our patients with one of the most advanced and innovative techniques used in the following areas Biosalud Day Hospital within our personalised treatments to treat autoimmune diseaseschronic diseases refractory to conventional or integrative treatment, chronic infectious diseases (e.g. Lyme disease), neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Dementia,...) and even as a preventive treatment of ageing.

The list of pathologies for which INUSpheresis® is indicated is very broad:

1.- INUSpheresis® is suitable for sensitive patients with acute, chronic diseases and of unclear cause. There are many indications for therapeutic apheresis treatment.

2.- Many cancer patients benefit from INUSpheresis® because we can also filter circulating tumour cells and viruses from your blood. It also serves to eliminate side effects after a course of chemotherapy.

3.- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome (MCS).

4.- Autoimmune diseases.

5.- It is the best system for the prevention and treatment of pathological ageing and is essential prior to any regeneration treatment with stem cells, exosomes or PRP.

6.- Hyperbilirubinaemia, congenital metabolic liver disease, with high risk of brain damage.

7.- Treatment of toxicity due to heavy metals, solvents and other environmental toxins, that often cause the symptoms of the autoimmune diseases and/or nerve diseases, and/or dermatological diseases (e.g. fibromyalgia, blistering dermatological diseases, kidney or specific nerve damage, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ciguatera food poisoning)

Chronic Lyme. INUSpheresis® is an invaluable aid in changing poor outcomes in patients with Chronic Lymeand especially those who do not respond to any therapy. Many of them develop autoimmune diseases that do not evolve favourably to any treatment.

9.- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis ME). It is a long-term illness that affects many body systems. Among other symptoms, it is characterised by fatigue that does not disappear after rest and persists for a long time. We speak of Cerebropheresis® because of its purification of the brain tissue.

Alzheimer's disease. INUSpheresis® is especially indicated for this disease, the most common form of dementia and an incurable brain disorder. Due to the death of nerve cells in the brain, Alzheimer's patients suffer from increased forgetfulness, disorientation and confusion. INUSpheresis® is able to improve the evolution of these patients. In these cases we speak of Cerebropheresis®.

11.- Chronic hepatitis C.

12.- Hypertension positive for arterial alpha 1 and angiotensin 1 antibodies, very difficult to treat with conventional pharmacotherapy.

13.- Multiple Sclerosis. INUSpheresis® is indicated on the basis of studies and publications of the American and Canadian Apheresis Societies.

14.- Elimination of the cytokine storm generated in some severe cases of COVID which cause severe inflammation and thrombi. Also in the elimination of side effects caused by COVID vaccines.

Fibromyalgia. Chronic pathology that causes pain throughout the body, especially in specific areas. INUSpheresis® has very good results in these patients and enhances the effectiveness of conventional treatments.

16.- Acute intoxications of any kind and substance, including radioactive substances.


In addition, the American Society for Apheresis Therapy has approved the following list of pathologies for which INUSpheresis® Therapeutic Apheresis is indicated:

> Acute loss of audition

> Macular degeneration dryness related to ageing

> Haemophilia with positive factor V antibody detection

> Syndrome antiphospholipid, chronic inflammatory demyelinating demyelinating polyneuropathy

> Arndt's scleromyxedema - Gottronwith glomerulonephritis and positive paraprotein detection, failure and/or severe adverse side effects of pharmacotherapy

> Behcet's disease, failure and/or severe side effects of pharmacotherapy

> Vasculopathy of the cardiac graft

> Ulcerative colitis, drug therapy failure and/or risk of bowel surgery

> Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis (autoimmune inflammation of the vascular system caused by cold proteins)

> Dermatomyositis, failure and/or severe side effects of pharmacotherapy

> Diabetic Foot Syndrome at risk of amputation

> Dilated cardiomyopathy, positive beta-receptor antibody detection

> Disseminated encephalitis (multiple sclerosis), failure of interleukin alfa treatment

> Erdheim-Chester disease (with positive detection of paraproteins), failure and/or severe side effects of pharmacotherapy

> Glomerulosclerosis global segmental segmental of the kidney itself or after a transplanted kidney with nephrotic syndrome and/or severe side effects of pharmacotherapy

> Hypertriglyceridaemia with failure of cholesterol synthesis inhibitor pharmacotherapy/treatment and rapid renal deterioration

> Pathogenetic glomerulonephritis, failure and/or severe side effects of pharmacotherapy

> Granulomatosis with polyangiitis, glomerulonephritis and/or drug therapy failure (MEDEX study)

> Guillain-Barre Syndrome chronic and acute

> Haemophilia with positive detection of factor V antibodies

> Gestational herpes

> Heterozygous hypercholesterolemia family member with failure/side effects of conservative treatment and/or premature and progressive atherosclerosis/heart attack/ICTUS/nephrosclerosis

> Homozygous hypercholesterolemia family

> Hypertriglyceridaemia (severe) with pancreatitis

> Hyperviscosity syndrome with plasmacytoma (multiple myeloma) and Waldeström's Disease

> Polyneuropathy IgM-associated (tumour-associated nervous disorder)

> Haemophilia inhibitor (increased risk of bleeding) with positive factor V antibody detection

> Hyperlipaemia isolated familial (LpA) with premature atherosclerosis/heart attack/ICTUS/nephrosclerosis/inoperable lower limb arterial occlusive disease

> Lambert-Eaton syndrome (tumour-associated nervous disorder)

> Hypersensitivity after kidney transplantation

> IgA linear dermatosis

> Lupus erythematosus with failure and/or severe side effects of the pharmacotherapy

> Lupus erythematosus with progressive glomerulonephritis

> Miller-Fisher syndrome (tumour-associated nervous disorder)

> Multiple sclerosis (see also disseminated encephalitis).

> Necrobiotic xanthogranuloma (with paraprotein)

> Nephrotic syndrome with pathogenetic renal inflammatory disease (glomerulonephritis)

> Pemphigus foliaceus, failure and/or severe side effects of pharmacotherapy

> Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (pathogenetic) with failure of conservative and surgical treatment options with risk of limb loss

> Plasmacytoma with Hyperviscosity/Glomerulonephritis Syndrome

> Polymyositis with failure and/or severe side effects of pharmacotherapy

> Psoriasis with extremely severe flares and severe psoriatic arthritis and failure and/or severe side effects of pharmacotherapy

> Raynaud's syndrome with failure of conservative treatments

> Refsum disease (lipid accumulation disease)

> Retinitis pigmentosa with Refsum disease

> Rheumatoid arthritis of very progressive evolution with failure of pharmacotherapy

> Scleroderma progressive and systemic, with glomerulonephritis, and

> Sjögren's syndrome, with failure and/or severe side effects of pharmacotherapy

> Stiff-Person syndrome (Stiff Person Syndrome)

> Waldenström disease, benign IgM gammopathy with hyperviscosity

> Inflammatory Xanthogranulomatosis (necrobiotic) with paraprotein

In which cases is INUSpheresis® not indicated?

Depending on the patient's medical history, it may be possible that the treatment with INUSpheresis® is not indicated. In this sense, at Biosalud Day Hospital, the general health of the patient and the severity of the disease in question are analysed before assessing the suitability of carrying out an INUSpheresis® treatment.

These are some cases in which treatment with INUSpheresis® is not indicated:

1.- Patients with acute heart diseaseor who have recently suffered a heart attack or stroke.

2.- Patients with severe circulatory problems or extreme hypotension

3.- Patients with multimorbidity with poor general health (e.g. under-regulated hypertension, untreated diabetes, extreme old age, cachexia).

4.- Patients with severe coagulatory dysfunction or clear thrombocytopenia (if taking anticoagulants, the protocol should be modified and adequate monitoring should be carried out during treatment).

5.- Patients in final stages of cancer

6.- Acute inflammation and fever

7.- Organic failure, such as severe renal insufficiency

8.- Patients with psychosis, panic attacks or anxiety neurosis in connection with needles, blood, etc...

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