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The hypothalamus is key in ageing


Scientists at the Albert Einstein College Of Medicine in New York have presented a study in mice that demonstrates the importance of the hypothalamus in ageing. This area of the body is responsible for activities such as sleep, hunger and temperature. is a biological clock according to this study.

The hypothalamus is key in ageing

When appropriate, it activates various inflammatory and hormonal processes that trigger ageing. In particular, this is done by increasing the activity of the NF-kB molecule, which has already been shown to play an important role in controlling DNA expression in ageing.

What the activation of the aforementioned molecule does is to cause hormonal alterations that reduce gonadotropin-releasing hormone. According to this study, this is what causes memory loss, loss of skin elasticity or loss of muscle strength.

Ãngel Berbel, coordinator of the Neurogeriatrics study group of the Spanish Society of Neurology, believes that the hypothalamus can act as a stopwatch.

Biological medicine slows down the ageing process

At Biosalud we are convinced that our dna has a lot to do with ageing. This is why one of our treatment units is concerned with this aspect.

We will first carry out an analysis of different aspects such as reflexes, memory, free radicals and antioxidants to gauge the patient's condition. We will then develop a personalised treatment for each individual, which can be the prevention of ageing, anti-aging therapy, a detoxification programme or an anti-stress programme.

We will do this by combining several of the techniques that comprise biological medicine such as ozone therapy, serum therapy or the implantation of growth factors in the joints. It is also possible to carry out some anti-ageing treatment at home, such as a balanced diet based on the criteria discovered in the initial analysis of the patient.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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