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Food intolerances to bread are on the increase

Bread intolerance

Wheat that was grown only 50 years ago is hardly marketed any more. The reason? Changes that led to the development of hybrids that are more resistant to weather and pathogens and more economically advantageous. In fact as a result of the mechanisation of agricultural work. short-growing varieties with reinforced stalks capable of supporting the increased weight of the larger kernels were imposed, creating a wheat so different from the original that today it is incapable of growing in the wild. This led to the creation of a wheat so different from the original that today it is incapable of growing in the wild. Is this why more and more people cannot tolerate bread and other wheat products.? Because even natural bread made from this wheat is no longer tolerated by many people. What's more, There is every indication that it is the cause of some of the so-called autoimmune diseases.


Biosalud treatment for food intolerances

With proper treatment, the food intolerances are largely reversible, except for those caused by genetic mutations.

We have a reliable method of detection, as the associated symptoms may have a psychogenic origin. We then apply a solution to each patient through analysis and biological treatment.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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