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Ethics as a source of inspiration for any medicine

Hospital Emergencies

Biosalud today highlights an opinion article from the website, entitled "Lights and shadows of medical science in the 21st century", which includes a paper by Juan Gérvas, Honorary Professor of Public Health at the Autonomous University of Madrid and presented in Zaragoza last month.

Ethics in medicine

In this work, Gérvas raises very interesting and accurate aspects, in our opinion, on conventional medicine and alternative medicines, on the successes and failures of the former and on the ethics that should govern both.

Gérvas reveals how  conventional medicine must take account of scientific knowledge, but that there are other skills in life that are fundamental to all types of medicine such as philosophical knowledge, intuitive knowledge, logical-mathematical-statistical knowledge, spiritual and religious knowledge, common sense, sensitivity and tenderness, solidarity, etc.

A physician should know about alternative medicines in the same way that he or she should know about mythology and religions, because they are ways of understanding the human being and his or her variability.

As reported in this study, ".one third of the population (irrespective of the level of education) turning to alternative medicines. In fact, its users tend to be younger and from a higher social class. This mass use speaks volumes about the failure of conventional medicine, which has achieved enormous scientific and technical successes and at the same time great human and plural failures".

Many of Juan Gérvas' publications are available at and

And you can follow the author on Twitter (@JuanGrvas), Facebook and Linkedin.

Biosalud, an example of alternative medicine

The truth is that we agree with Dr. Gervás' approach to this work. It is very important, apart from being at the forefront of scientific and medical advances, to have other knowledge, let's say more human, and also about the patient, in order to treat a person's ailments.

In this sense, Biosalud, after 30 years of experience, has become the centre of reference for the Biological and Anti-Aging Medicine by offering the most advanced studies, diagnoses and treatments on any aspect related to health.

Our goal is to continue in this way every day, keeping abreast of scientific discoveries and at the same time trying, by means of questionnaires and reliable and individualised tests, to understand the health problems of our patients, to treat them in a human and close way, to offer them the best solution.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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