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Drinking soft drinks increases the chances of osteoporosis

Soft drink cans

The osteoporosis disease affects the bones and is caused by a decrease in bone-forming tissue. As we age, we lose bone mass and our bones become weak and brittle.

Drinking soft drinks increases the chances of osteoporosis

Soft drinks increase the chances of osteoporosis

In relation to osteoporosis, it has been shown that consuming too many soft drinks is not good for osteoporosis. Soft drinks and carbonated beverages do not allow for good calcium absorption and therefore increase the chances of osteoporosis at an early age.

High consumption of soft drinks results in deficiencies of basic nutrients. which are what produce proper bone development. We will do better by consuming milk and its derivatives, and vitamin D, which is also obtained from eggs and fish. In short, it is a question of having from childhood onwards the adequate calcium intake.

Reducing salt and coffee and daily sport or exercise, as well as proportionate exposure to the sun, are also positive.

Biosalud, expert in osteoporosis treatment

We have been treating osteoporosis specifically for a long time. We start by explaining to the patient how necessary it is to have a healthy lifestyle.

Following the assessment of our medical team, the ideal osteoporosis treatment for each individual case will be determined.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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