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Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Abdominal pain


Functional bowel disorder

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are abdominal pain, abdominal bloating and changes in bowel habits.i.e. diarrhoea, constipation or both.

Almost all patients have mild symptoms such as:

  1. Abdominal pain
  2. Feeling of being full
  3. Gases
  4. Bloating and changes in bowel rhythm

But sometimes the symptoms can be more severe and consist of such intense pain that the person is unable to carry out any daily tasks.


Despite these clear symptoms, 2 out of 5 people in our country do not know what this syndrome is and that they suffer from it.

As the analytical, endoscopic and radiological studies in these patients are within the normal range, the diagnosis is based on clinical criteria. A good battery of questions to the patient is essential in this regard, as a good medical history provides more than 80 per cent of the diagnosis.

The usual pattern is for the patient to be asked to undergo tests and tests to rule out other diseases, when irritable bowel syndrome is strongly suspected. In cases where there is diarrhoea, tests should be done to rule out other pathologies such as lactose malabsorption, inflammatory bowel disease or coeliac disease.

At Biosalud, for the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome, we consider that it is basic to have a stool analysis  or Koprocheck®, as this disease coincides with changes in stool consistency and stool frequency.

The analysis involves collecting 3 samples on 3 consecutive days to quantify the intestinal flora.The presence of candidiasis and various parameters of digestion and absorption, as well as quantification of secretory IgA, and markers of intestinal health (occult blood, red blood cells, pH).

Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic disorder of the digestive tract which is the second cause of absenteeism from work after the common cold. Although there are mechanisms and therapies to alleviate the symptoms, there is as yet no method of cure.

It is highly advisable to carry out a colon hydrotherapy to cleanse the bowel properly

Causes of irritable bowel syndrome

This is a disease where research has not yet reached clear conclusions.

Irritable bowel syndrome. Intestines

It is also unclear which causes that give rise to this syndrome.

  • One theory suggests that it is caused by abnormal colon contractionswhich can cause cramps, the treatment of which requires fibre and antispasmodics. But these abnormal contractions do not explain all cases, nor is it known whether the contractions are the cause or rather a symptom.
  • Other times, irritable bowel syndrome occurs following a salmonella or campylobacteri.e. after a severe gastrointestinal infection, although it is not known how the infection triggers the syndrome.
  • The disease is also often accompanied by anxiety and depressionThe emotional state is already known to manifest itself in the gut. There are even studies indicating that the syndrome is more common in people who have a history of sexual, physical or verbal abuse.
  • Irritable bowel has also been suggested as a cause of irritable bowel food intolerances or food sensitivities to certain foods. Foods such as dairy products, broccoli or cauliflower are known to cause gas in the intestine, which can lead to cramps. In this sense, it is good to follow a diet of elimination of these intolerant foods, but always under the guidance of a medical specialist or nutritionist, since, otherwise, food deficits and malnutrition may occur.
  • Finally, another thesis is that the syndrome is produced by a increased visceral sensitivity to normal sensations. Somehow, normal bowel movements are perceived as painful and excessive by the affected person.

General lack of knowledge in the population

A recent European-wide study was carried out in 9 countries and it was found that people do not have the necessary information about this syndrome. The study, called Taboo study: Women with irritable bowel syndrome determines that Spain is the fifth country in terms of pathology information, behind countries such as Italy, Germany and the Netherlands.

Irritable bowel syndrome Lack of public awareness

The patient may alternate between stages of diarrhoea and constipation and the pain, as mentioned above, can sometimes be disabling. So affects the quality of life of the sufferer in a significant way, even if it is not life-threatening and does not imply an increased chance of cancer.

As general advice, the specialists indicate that it is necessary to follow a a healthy diet, without too much fat and with good hydration, physical exercise appropriate to each individual, and socialising and relaxing activities. that we are rewarded


Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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