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New solutions for complementary cancer treatment


It is a drug called Lambrolizumab, which prevents cancer cells from hiding and escaping from the cells of the immune system, the lymphocytes. Thanks to this drug, which stimulates the immune systemlymphocytes fight primary neoplasia as well as metastases.


This discovery represents a essential milestone for the treatment of the disease as there will be a before and after.

Lambrolizumab's properties have been proven in patients in practice. It does not destroy cancer cells, but rather renders inactive the shield that tumours use to camouflage themselves and evade attack by T-lymphocytes.

New avenue for cancer treatment

Perhaps a new door may be opening for the treatment of the disease. On the one hand, treatments based on chemotherapy or radiotherapy, and on the other hand, specific treatments aimed at slowing down the proliferation of each specific type of tumour, may be a solution for the treatment of cancer.

At Biosalud, we have more than 30 years of experience in providing a complementary cancer treatment that allows the patient to have a more satisfactory life with less pain, applying biological medicine, which is not incompatible with the conventional treatments that the patient is following.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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