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InvesCIBA opens its doors


Biosalud is present at the inauguration of the Biomedical Research Centre -CIBA- which is part of the Institute of Health Sciences. Attending in person is Dr.Mariano Bueno del European Institute of Biomedicine.

InvesCIBA opens its doors

With an intense programme oriented towards the science and biomedical corporations sector, it will share with activities both for all those who wish to visit InvesCIBA and for the always demanding children's public, whose schools will enjoy an interesting open day.

During these days, InvesCIBA will show off its facilities to all visitors and demonstrate the objectives of the Biomedical Research Centre of Aragon. Interesting conferences on the history of science in Aragon will be given by the Professor of Medieval History, Luis Corral, and the Scientific Director of Araclón Biotech, Manuel Sarasa, who will talk about the entrepreneurial adventure in biomedicine.

Of particular interest is the exhibition "The world inside a microscope", a truly unmissable photographic exhibition that mixes images captured with a microscope and compares them with images that are more familiar to us from everyday life.

InvesCIBA! is organised by the Aragonese Institute of Health Sciences (IACS) and the University of Zaragoza, in collaboration with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.


Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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