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High levels of nickel and health problems


Determining the level of nickel through analysis

Nickel is a metal with many applications, including jewellery. Nowadays many necklaces, rings, bracelets and earrings are made of nickel as a substitute for silver. When the body comes into contact with this metal, it is absorbed by the body, producing contact dermatitiswith itching and reddening of the skin.

Nickel is an essential trace element in small amounts for the production of red blood cells.However, situations such as being a smoker, eating vegetables from contaminated soil or eating certain foods in excess such as high fat foods, chocolate, strawberries and dried fruits can raising our nickel levels above the recommended levels producing important problems in our health.

Nickel level in the body

Smokers have the highest amounts of nickel in their bodies. A cigarette contains many toxic and unhealthy substances, including nickel. A smoker is continuously inhaling nickel through his or her lungs, thus continuously intoxicating himself or herself. It is a good time to stop smoking and to start detoxifying.

People with nickel poisoning may develop a multitude of problems as:

  • asthma and chronic bronchitis
  • increased likelihood of developing cancers of the nose, larynx, lung and prostate (in men)
  • lung embolism
  • respiratory failure
  • birth defects and heart disease

Do you know how much heavy metal, in particular nickel, is in your body?

At Biosalud, thanks to our extensive experience of more than 30 years in the treatment of heavy metal detoxification, we have developed the Heavymetalscheck. A test, which will tell you within a week how much and what kind of heavy metals you have in your body.. It also provides information on the essential elements that are in excess and deficient (such as magnesium, calcium, lithium, selenium…). In this way, you will be able to modify the factors related to your lifestyle that are intoxicating you and start detoxification treatment, thus contributing to improving your symptoms, preventing them from worsening, and your quality of life.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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