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¿Qué es la terapia de inducción PAPIMI?

The terapia de inducción PAPIMI se trata de un avanzado equipo de terapia de inducción iónica que trabaja con campos electromagnéticos de alta frecuencia y energía sin contacto que nos permite tratar directamente los síntomas asociados a un gran número de patologías.

The method Papimi is an original by Prof. Dr. Pappas and its benefits have already been discussed at various international medical exhibitions, it has been included among the main therapies of elite sports clubs and, of course, it has successfully passed all European laws and standards.

For the patient, this ion induction treatment has proven effective in addressing the causes and eliminating the symptoms of a wide range of diseases. The Papimi therapy is universally applicablenaturally regulates cells weakened by disease and injury and recharges them by stimulation generated by the ion induction field to raise them to their healthy voltage potential.

Once the cell is no longer weakened, regulatory processes are resumed, trace elements are exchanged and the corresponding energy molecules are produced.

¿Qué tratamos con Papimi? 

Con la terapia Papimi tratamos una amplia gama de afecciones en distintas áreas de la medicina. En medicina fisioterapéutica, abordamos enfermedades degenerativas del aparato locomotor y de la columna, como la artrosis degenerativa, y síndromes generalizados del dolor.

En el ámbito de las enfermedades urológicas y nefrológicas, y en medicina deportiva y rehabilitación, tratamos lesiones de tobillo y tendones, edemas medulares, fracturas y desgarros musculares, acelerando procesos regenerativos y evitando inflamaciones, además de mejorar el rendimiento y prevenir lesiones deportivas. Papimi también es efectivo para lesiones lumbares.

En medicina integral, esta terapia regula el sistema nervioso vegetativo, el metabolismo y otros sistemas, es un tratamiento complementario del cáncer y aborda enfermedades crónicas, autoinmunes, y mejora la cicatrización y el sistema inmunitario.

¿Cómo funciona la terapia Papimi?

From Biosalud Day Hospital we are ready to tell you about how Papimi works and use its wide-ranging benefits in the different therapies that we apply in our medical centre. On a more technical level, it is important to point out that it is a high-frequency, high-energy electromagnetic pulse generatorWhat do we want this energy for? So that it penetrates the tissues and reaches the deepest layers. Specifically, it reaches at least 20 cm, which is essential for the therapy to make sense.

Both the intensity and the duration of the pulse and the frequencies to be used with each patient are determined by the medical team and are managed at all times by the specialists via the Papimi controls. We emphasise that the application of the therapy is non-invasive.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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