Un informe de Biosalud Day Hospital alerta de la creciente intoxicación por metales pesados en la población española
Desde Biosalud Day Hospital hemos elaborado un informe a partir de una revisión de estudios y datos propios y este
Il Day Hospital Biosalud è un centro medico specialistico e day hospital con oltre 35 anni di esperienza nella cura dei nostri pazienti con un approccio olistico. Medicina Integrativa.
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Este documento elaborado por Biosalud Day Hospital, pretende proporcionar una visión integral y actualizada sobre estos temas cruciales para profesionales de la salud, investigadores y público interesado en la intersección entre salud ambiental y avances médicos.
Desde Biosalud Day Hospital hemos elaborado un informe a partir de una revisión de estudios y datos propios y este
Biosalud Day Hospital cumple 40 años en 2025 como un hospital de día pionero en su visión de la medicina
La enfermedad de Lyme es una infección causada por la bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, transmitida principalmente por la mordedura de ciertas
Per me la cosa principale è il team umano Sono molto soddisfatto di tutto il team di professionisti, in tutti i settori del servizio. Vorrei sottolineare il trattamento personale, molto umano, vicino e affidabile. Anche i trattamenti sono molto rispettosi del paziente, riducendo al minimo i possibili effetti collaterali che qualsiasi trattamento può causare. Apprezzo molto le strutture pratiche e confortevoli e la tecnologia di cui dispongono.
Getting to know dr Bueno and his team, from front desk to treatment room has been a game changer that ended up for me to reclaim my life. no less ! I arrived in BDH in a poor condition, with constant pain (at various and changing places in my body) and a huge, crippling fatigue. And no hope, nor treatment besides regular heavy intravenous antibiotics. No way to be cured. After only a few weeks of full day treatments, I feel wonderfully better. One more check to make sure I’m hosting no more lyme and I’m out of this nightmare for good. The first thing dr Bueno offered me was hope. But not dream. Real hope, which became true step by step. I needed to understand everything and he always took time to explain everything thoroughly, eventhough he was overloaded with constant new patients. Everybody makes you feel at home. You have your own room with dim light, soft music (or not), nice temperature according to your present need and a very caring team providing you much more than basic care. You are thirsty ? here is some fresh water, you are a bit cold (normal reaction after some treatments) : a blanket is waiting for you. Same caring attention on the phone, and the front desk . These ladies :are so patient, so dedicated. Things are not operated an usual way and it sometimes takes many questions to figure out how management (orders, shipments, etc) works. I am so happy I found dr Bueno and his team that I shared this precious tip with anyone suffering from lyme disease I can meet or hear of. Biosalud Day Hospital has been the path to salvation for me ! Thank you so much !
Soy paciente del hospital de día Biosalud, pero también soy médico, y me gustaría dar las gracias al Dr. Mariano por tratarme y enseñarme a ver desde su enfoque integrador. Recomendaría encarecidamente a los pacientes que no encuentren la solución que consulten al Dr. ***, que sin duda les dará la solución.
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