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The importance of vitamin D in your immune system

The importance of vitamin D in your immune system

Our immune system is a shield that keeps us safe from infection. bacterial, viral and other bacilli. This natural barrier is an essential element for our organism and health is profoundly affected when it suffers an imbalance. In this article we will explain in detail the functioning of the immune system and we delve into the importance of the vitamin D in reinforcing it.

The functioning of the immune system

The first move of the immune system is to identify the exogenous agents that seek to attack the body. The cells of the immune system are quick to detect pathogens and react, either with a innate immune responseor an adaptive response. The innate response is immediate and fights the infection from the outset, causing inflammation in the surrounding tissue. The adaptive immune response is a slow but targeted reaction to specific pathologies and via B and T cells.

The exact way to fight infections is through the use of antibody production, which are protein molecules that fight pathogens to the point of destruction.

After this brief explanation, let's argue why vitamin D can help to make the immune system more robust and provide stronger responses to disease.

Vitamin D To boost the immune system

The Vitamin D is beneficial for the immune system. for several reasons and, first of all, it should be noted that it is highly recommended for the proper maintenance of the intestinal mucosa. This viscera at the end of the digestive system is in contact with the bloodstream and the intestinal mucosa is the barrier that prevents pathogens from spreading throughout the human body, affecting other organs and tissues. When the mucosa is damaged, the chance of contracting a disease is much higher. For this reason, the microbiota must be well cared for and vitamin D is a good way to maintain its strength.

Vitamin D also has a specific action, by stimulating macrophages and dendritic cells. These are the main elements for the immediate responses provided by the immune system in case of pathogen aggression.

Vitamin D, on the other hand, increases the number of Th2 lymphocyteswhich belong to the adaptive immune system and which provide an anti-inflammatory effect in this type of response to a pathogenic attack.

It should be added that vitamin D is related to the prevention of lung infections and which has been linked in countless medical research studies to a reduced risk of respiratory ailments.

For all these reasons, in Biosalud Day Hospital we consider that vitamin D, which is very much present in oily fish such as salmon, trout, tuna and mackerel(it is also present in cheeses, egg yolk and mushrooms) is a good way to strengthen the immune system and, consequently, a healthy and simple way to prevent pathologies.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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