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Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

How rheumatoid arthritis is treated at Biosalud

At Biosalud Day Hospital we treat any illness by looking for its causes.

Autoimmune diseases, and in particular rheumatoid arthritis, require immunomodulatory treatment. For this, it is of utmost importance to determine the causal factors that have triggered the disease. Immunosuppressive treatments often do not work and even aggravate the patient's symptoms.

European Reference Centre for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme disease

Causal factors

As causal factors that can accumulate to give rise to the disease, we can distinguish:

  • Toxicity. A few months ago it was even published in scientific circles that rheumatoid arthritis is in many cases related to an accumulation of aromatised polycyclic hydrocarbons. Other chemicals, heavy metals and mycotoxins are also often involved.
  • Deficiency of some nutrientsprimarily vitamin D and omega-3 essential acids.
  • General infections bacterial and/or viral.
  • Intestinal infections by fungi and bacteria.
  • Lymphocyte deficiency T regulators.
  • Genetic predispositionthe least frequent.
  • Emotional problems of some importance. Emotional and physical stress.

The tests that we are going to carry out beforehand will serve to protocolise the personalised treatment that can be most effective for each patient.


At Biosalud we have been at the forefront of medicine and technology since 1985. We have the most effective therapies with the most solid scientific basis for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and, in many cases, unique in Spain, such as:

The medicine we practice at Biosalud is a personalised medicine, where we adapt the treatment to each patient according to their clinical and causal picture. In rheumatoid arthritis we focus on the regulation of the immune system and pain control, inflammation and improved joint mobility.

In addition, the different treatments are generally free of side effects and contraindications.

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