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Treatment of Lyme disease

European Reference Centre for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme disease

What is Lyme disease?

The Lyme disease is an infectious and multi-organ pathology. most frequently transmitted by tick bite by infecting the body with the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Mosquitoes, fleas or other insects infected with the bacteria are also transmitters.

The diagnosis of Lyme disease is difficult and complex to present symptoms that often mimic other chronic diseases y requires highly specialised tests that detect the presence of the bacteria in the body and that can be used to treat it. natural treatment for Lyme disease adequate.

European Reference Centre for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme disease

Symptoms of Lyme disease

One of the Lyme symptoms most well known is erythema migransHowever, there are very few cases in which this red spot in the form of a bull's eye or rash appears or is detected. From the moment of the bite, and up to weeks or even years later, a series of symptoms are evident that vary depending on the stage of the disease.

This is the most common tick-borne disease and its incidence is increasing. In fact, the European Commission has already alerted Member States to the exponential increase of this disease and the need for greater medical specialisation as the usual diagnostic tests are negative in 80% of cases and, as the clinical picture of the disease is not fully understood, patients do not receive the necessary treatment.

Lyme disease can manifest itself in from the earliest daysup to weeks after being infected. If the disease is detected at this stage, antibiotic treatment usually eliminates the bacteria from the body.
Symptoms of early Lyme disease are sfever, chills, malaise and headache, joint pain and muscle stiffness.

The flu-like symptoms that appear in the first few weeks of early Lyme may not manifest themselves, which does not prevent the disease from developing. borrelia progress in our organism. In this case, the consequences are more serious.
We can suspect Lyme if we have a weakness or paralysis of facial muscles, altered heart rhythm, numbness and pain, shortness of breath or chest pain.

One of the reasons why the Chronic Lyme is difficult to detect is because it is associated with non-specific symptoms that appear even years after contracting the disease. This delay in the onset of symptoms means that they are not related to the tick bite. However, by the time they manifest themselves, the disease has already affected different organs and the consequences can be irreparable:

- Symptoms of the locomotor systemChronic inflammation and/or pain in one or more joints, muscle aches or extreme tiredness that prevents patients from walking.

- Neurological symptoms: alterations in sensitivity, difficulty in the coordination of movements, strange sensations and even psychiatric problems are manifested.

- Other symptoms: heart symptoms, short-term memory loss, inability to concentrate, inflammation of the brain and spinal cord, neuralgia or shooting pain in the hands and feet.

Phases of Lyme disease treatment

At Biosalud Day Hospital, we develop personalised protocols for the treatment of Lyme disease The extent of the infection and possible associated infections - co-infections - varies greatly from case to case. Our specific Lyme test, Lymecheck and complementary tests, as well as the observation and anamnesis of the patient, allow us to make an accurate diagnosis It allows us to know exactly the level of infection, the actual state of humoral and cellular immunity and the degree of cellular immune blockade, in order to decide on the therapeutic needs of each case.

The treatment of Lyme disease consists of 4 phases:

The therapeutic preparation phase aims to prepare the organism prior to the specific and personalised treatment of Lyme. Since it is a chronic disease, which is almost always immunosuppressive, we must improve the patient's internal environment as much as possible. (terrain) following the indications provided by the tests carried out.

This phase is carried out by means of a home treatment and therapy sessions at our facilities in Madrid or Zaragoza once or twice a week, for a period of 2 to 3 months.

This phase involves:

  • Replenish nutrient deficiencies revealed by analysis (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids, etc.).
  • Rebuild intestinal flora and eliminate intestinal infections (bacterial, fungal and/or parasitic), essential for the patient's immune system to be as effective as possible when attacking Lyme infections.
  • Eliminate all toxic substances (heavy metals, mycotoxins, chemical toxins, ...) so that the patient's internal environment (terrain) is more favourable to the defensive activity of the immune system and as uncomfortable as possible for the germs causing the disease.
  • pH rebalancing, eliminating the acidification that is common in all chronic pathologies.
  • Immunoregulation in the case of autoimmune diseases caused by Lyme and increased production of deficient types of lymphocytes.
  • Initiation of personalised treatment to eliminate the inflammation that every Lyme patient suffers, by molecularly eliminating the production of inflammatory cytokines and increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines, among others.
  • Unblocking and elimination of dental foci, interfering scars, repair of blockages in the vegetative nervous system, etc...
  • Local pain treatment if necessary, with highly effective, state-of-the-art techniques.
  • Deactivation of previous viral infections that have been reactivated
  • Anything that improves the patient's situation so that the initial shock treatment of chronic Lyme disease can be started with the best chance of success.

The techniques used in this phase are: serums with high doses of vitamin C, toxin draining serums, specific chelation serums according to the heavy metals to be eliminated, alkalinising serums and multimineral and vitamin replacement serums, ozone in its different applications (large single or multiphase autohemotherapy or intestinal insufflation), molecular hyperthermia, neurovegetative injection therapy, microimmunotherapy, neural therapy, perineural injection therapy, body hyperthermia, etc...

Since the end of 2021 we have incorporated a new therapy that is only performed by us in Spain and is currently only available in 10 clinics worldwide: INUSpheresis® therapeutic apheresis. With this technique, the main part of the treatments required during the aforementioned 2-3 months.

We carry them out in 3 days and in a much more effective way, eliminating the patient's organism at once, among other things:

  • Inflammatory cytokines
  • Fractions of viruses, bacteria and fungi
  • Mycotoxins
  • Chemicals of all kinds
  • Heavy metals
  • Excess cholesterol
  • Immune complexes of autoimmune diseases

In all cases of chronic Lyme we recommend initiation of treatment with 2, 3 or 4 weeks of shock treatmentWe use intravenous serums with antibiotics, draining agents and specific activators of the immune system. At Biosalud we have developed an innovative system in the application of antibiotics that eliminates their side effects. In addition, we can apply some specific protocols with techniques such as Ozone therapy (large autohaemotherapy, multi-pass and intestinal insufflations), focal magnetotherapy, colonic hydrotherapy, oxygen therapy, intravenous fluids with high doses of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, enzymes and/or amino acids, molecular hyperthermia, body hyperthermiadiathermy, diathermy, phytotherapy and neurovegetative injection therapy, among others.

In the second week of this shock treatment, the treatment is started with oral antibioticsWe always use antibiotics in a pharmaceutical form without side effects and with a much higher effectiveness than the usual pharmaceutical form. We always use antibiotics in a pharmaceutical form without side effects and with a much higher effectiveness than the usual pharmaceutical forms.

Normally our patients finish this phase in better condition than they started in, with often significant symptomatic improvements who are beginning to see that there is a good chance of overcoming the multi-infection and returning to a normal life with a good quality of life in a timely manner.

After these 3 weeks of treatment, the implant a complete treatment at home with antibiotics, immune stimulants, neurotoxin drainers, natural anti-infectives, etc... The objectives in this phase are: improving the compatibility and effectiveness of antibiotics, boosting the immune system, treating existing painchanging the cellular environment by de-acidifying and scavenging excess free radicals to reduce Borrelia replication, reducing the production of inflammation maintained by the cytokines and regulation of the Th1/Th2 and TH17 system, support for the proper functioning of different organs (especially liver and kidneys), detoxification and improvement of the immune system.

This phase is also accompanied by a treatment in our facilities on a case-by-case basisThe results of the analysis and control tests are carried out every 2 months to check the evolution and effectiveness of the treatment.

Two months after starting Lyme shock treatment, we carry out analytical tests to check the patient's response to the treatment (Lymecheck® and Nagalasa test®) and, after a clinical assessment review, we discuss the steps to be taken and how to continue with the treatment.

If the patient has a genetic load (HLA) that prevents a good response to antibiotic treatment, or if by personal decision, he/she only wants a treatment based on Biological Medicine, we have the necessary protocols to be able to apply a treatment with a high chance of success.

Antibiotic Treatment

However, in chronic Lyme, we recommend the Integrative Medicine approach, which is about combining allopathic treatment (conventional, with antibiotics), with that of Biological Medicine This minimises possible side effects and enhances its beneficial effects.

However, everything must be weighed up and decided on a case-by-case basis and on the basis of the patient's clinical, successive analyses and decisions. At Biosalud Day Hospital, we always use antibiotics in a pharmaceutical form without side effects.

Diagnosis of Lyme disease

How is Lyme disease diagnosed?

At Biosalud we have developed specific tests for the diagnosis and detection of Lyme disease avoiding the high false-negative rates of conventional tests. In addition, we use the biological medicine approach to gain specific knowledge of the patient's multi-organ situation.

Specific test for the diagnosis of Lyme disease

Additional tests for the diagnosis of Lyme

- Blood quantification of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, hormones, enzymes, essential fatty acids...

- Check of the functionality of the thyroid and adrenal glands.

- Infrared regulation thermometry, to determine the patient's pathophysiology.

- Biomolecular analysis that indicates the state of the immune system and the molecular alterations that will help us to protocolise the most suitable treatment in each case.

– Canditest® y Koprocheck® Koprocheck® Koprocheck® Koprocheck® Koprocheck for the study of intestinal infections by bacteria, fungi or parasites, as well as deficiencies of the intestinal flora, degree of inflammation, permeability, etc...

- Analysis of possible viral infections accompanying Lyme, by means of Immunocheck® as well as quantification of all types of defence cells (lymphocytes) to gain a thorough understanding of the patient's immune status.

Analysis of NagalasaThe Nagalase level is quantified to determine the level of immune system blockade and Borrelia activity.

- Toxic patient loads: ToxicChemicalCHECK® (chemical toxics), MycotoxinCHECK® (mycotoxins), Glyphosate (herbicide) and HeavymetalsCHECK® (heavy metals in hair and/or urine).

- Other specific evidence as required by the specific case.

Our specific test to diagnose and detect Lyme disease is the LymeCHECK from Biosalud Análisis.

LymeCHECK® are very specific tests that we complement with others because Lyme disease involves other co-infections. We will take into account the patient's clinical history and perform all the tests in the same analysis.

  – Análisis LymeCheck Artificial Intelligence 

  – Análisis LymePlex Plus

  – Análisis LymeCheck 

Early detection of Lyme disease

Lyme disease is very difficult to diagnose because of the great variety of its symptoms and the immunosuppression that sets in. It often results in false negatives in normal serological tests.

Diagnosis and early detection The management of the disease is very important because Lyme becomes chronic without proper treatment, leading to a progressive deterioration of the body that prevents patients from leading a normal life.

On the other hand, this is a sometimes very aggressive pathology which requires a treatment for Lyme disease personalised with the most appropriate techniques in each case, in order to have the best options for regaining health.

Experts refer to this disease as "the great imitator".It can mimic many others, such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, autism, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and others.

Related media

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