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Intestinal Candidiasis

Reference medical centre for the diagnosis and treatment of Candidiasis

What is intestinal Candidiasis?

The candida albicans is a genus of single-celled fungi also called yeasts that normally live inside our digestive system. A healthy balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut helps to keep us healthy. Our intestinal flora prevents the growth of this fungus, but when it is disturbed, it triggers the infection, causing chronic intestinal candidiasis.

Chronic intestinal candidiasis is a common and under-diagnosed disease that presents with bloating, abdominal pain, gas and other digestive disorders. In addition to being annoying, intestinal Candidiasis can be dangerous because in the environment where it occurs it can come into contact with other substances and bacteria from the intestine and trigger a series of effects, such as the reproduction of Candidiasis in other areas of the body (genitals, mouth or nails). It can also worsen other diseases that the patient already suffers from. In this case, a treatment of Candidiasis.

European Reference Centre for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme disease

Causes of intestinal candidiasis

Candidiasis in the intestines can be a chronic disease if undiagnosed. Its symptoms are non-specific and are caused by an imbalance in the gut microbiota.

This excessive growth of the candida albicans depends above all on the loss of the body's ability to defend itself; depression of the immune system.

The continued use of antibiotics or prolonged periods of hospitalisation can damage our intestinal flora, but there are also causes such as drinking tap water, consuming excessive carbohydrates and refined sugars and flours.

In addition, a nutrient deficiencies or changes in digestive secretions can disrupt the balance of our intestinal flora.

Symptoms of chronic intestinal candidiasis

Firstly, we find symptoms affecting the digestive systemThe following symptoms are common: abdominal bloating, diarrhoea or constipation, heavy digestion, intestinal gas and mouth sores, and even laryngitis and pharyngitis.

Other physical symptoms may include headache, abdominal pain, pelvic floor discomfort or allergic reactions.

Candidiasis in the gut is also associated with syphilis.mood symptoms These include fatigue and general malaise, depression, irritability or difficulty concentrating.

Sufferers may feel a craving for sweets, beer or bread, as well as having acne The most common symptoms of autoimmune diseases are rebellious to treatment or the fact that some autoimmune diseases do not evolve favourably to the prescribed therapy. In the case of children, it can lead to attention deficit, restlessness or irritable behaviour.

Treatment of intestinal candidiasis

The symptoms of intestinal Candidiasis are nonspecific and may not be related to this pathology. Only a clinical experience such as that of Biosalud Day Hospital can relate these symptoms to Candidiasis, as even conventional tests can give negative results.

At Biosalud we have been successfully treating Candidiasis for 30 years. Our biological medicine treatments are personalised and to design them, we must listen to your body and analyse what it tells us through tests. At Biosalud we have the most advanced and effective techniques to eliminate chronic intestinal candidiasis.

In most cases, we always combine a personalised treatment in our facilities with a treatment that is carried out at home. We use colon hydrotherapy, ozone therapy, focal magnetic therapy, electromagnetic bioregulation therapy and photon therapy, among others.

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