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Graves-Basedow disease

We are a medical centre of reference for the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune Graves-Basedow disease.

What is Graves-Basedow disease?

Graves-Basedow disease is a autoimmune disease frequently occurring with inflammation and overactivity of the thyroid glandso that it can trigger hyperthyroidism.

One of the most characteristic symptoms of this disease affect the eyeswhich stand out, but there are others symptoms varying according to the age of the patientAppetite and weight loss, muscle weakness, lack of concentration, hair loss or fatigue are some of them.

At Biosalud Day Hospital we are specialised in the treatment of autoimmune diseases from the perspective of the Biological Medicine. Conventional treatment with immunosuppressants can lead from autoimmune hyperthyroidism to hypothyroidism, but with Biological Medicine we regulate the immune system and restore its normal functioning.

European Reference Centre for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme disease

Causes of Graves-Basedow disease

Investigations point to the fact that there is a genetic background which runs in some families and is the trigger for the onset of Graves-Basedow disease. However, it is not known why the body directs antibodies against the thyroid gland.

The thyroid function is regulated by a hormone released by the pituitary gland.a gland in the brain. The antibody overrides normal thyroid regulation leading to excessive production of thyroid hormones.

One of the consequences of this disease is the Graves' ophthalmopathy and it is thought to be the same antibody that attacks the tissues surrounding the eyes. These symptoms may appear even years before the disease progresses to hyperthyroidism.

On the other hand, there are some risk factors that can play a role in the onset of the disease. These include family history, smoking, pregnancy, other immune disorders and even physical and emotional stress.

Symptoms of Graves-Basedow disease

The Graves Basedow disease commonly presents the following symptoms: weight loss, despite increased appetite. Anxiety, restlessness, trembling, irritability, difficulty sleeping (insomnia). Intolerance to heat, sweating. Chest pain, palpitations. shortness of breath Increased frequency of stools (with or without diarrhoea). irregular menstrual periods muscle weakness Difficulty controlling diabetes. goitre bulging, prominent eyes vision problems (such as double vision)

In addition, the following are presented specific skin and eye symptoms

  • Graves' eye disease. A high percentage of people with this pathology have specific eye symptoms: eye inflammation (bulging eyes), a feeling of sand in the eyes, pressure and pain, sensitivity to light, redness and even loss of vision.
  • Graves' dermopathy. This manifestation of the disease is less severe than the eye manifestation. The skin becomes red and thickened, especially on the shins or the tops of the feet.

Treatment of Graves-Basedow disease

The aim of treatment is to control the overproduction of thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism). Conventional medicine proposes antithyroid pharmacology, which sometimes does not offer a long-term solution, radioactive iodine (RAI), or surgery when medication is not tolerated.
At Biosalud Day Hospital we recommend a biological medicine treatment, especially effective for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, without side effects and preventive for the development of other autoimmune diseases..

Within the personalisation of the treatment, the first thing we do in an autoimmune process is a functional regulation, a drainage of toxins, and if necessary, chelation therapy to eliminate heavy metals, together with intestinal cleansing. We also consider the treatment of bacterial and/or viral and/or fungal infections. After a minimum period of 8 weeks, we will make a regulation of the immune system and a deactivation of the genetic loads that have been activated in the patient to develop autoimmune disease.

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