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Complete stool analysis KoproCHECK

El análisis de heces más completo del mercado que nos permite cuantificar la flora intestinal, la existencia de infecciones por bacterias y/o hongos patógenos además de diferentes parámetros de digestión o absorción de nutrientes, inflamación, ácidos grasos de cadena corta, cuantificación de la lgA secretora, marcadores de salud intestinal (sangre oculta, hematies, pH…) o la calprotectina.

KoproCHECK is a very complete health study through the faeces that will allow us to prevent possible diseases and treat possible infections that our intestine may be suffering from.



3 weeks.
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Infections
  • Weakness of the immune system
  • Traveller's diarrhoea
  • Swelling in the stomach
  • Gases
  • Allergy symptoms

KoproCHECK is a stool analysis. You must take 3 samples collected on three consecutive days, as indicated in the instructions that you will receive at home with the kit. Once you have the samples, they will be analysed in the laboratory to find out the state of health of the intestine, whether there are bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections and whether we digest everything we eat properly.

Once the samples arrive at Biosalud Day Hospital, we will analyse them and when we have them we will send them to you by email along with our recommendations.

3 weeks.
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Infections
  • Weakness of the immune system
  • Traveller's diarrhoea
  • Swelling in the stomach
  • Gases
  • Allergy symptoms

KoproCHECK is a stool analysis. You must take 3 samples collected on three consecutive days, as indicated in the instructions that you will receive at home with the kit. Once you have the samples, they will be analysed in the laboratory to find out the state of health of the intestine, whether there are bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections and whether we digest everything we eat properly.

Once the samples arrive at Biosalud Day Hospital, we will analyse them and when we have the results we will send them to you by email along with our recommendations. 

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Análisis parasitológico de heces GUTCHECK Heces con parásitos

GUTCHECK Faeces complete


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