Análisis de sangre que nos permitirá conocer el nivel de toxicidad por los principales metales pesados. Esta prueba es la más completa ya que te permite conocer los niveles de toxicidad de Aluminio, antimonio, arsénico, bario, bismuto, cadmio, cesio, cromo, cobalto, cobre, gadolinio, galio, oro, indio, iridio, plomo, manganeso, mercurio, molibdeno, níquel, paladio, platino, rubidio, plata, estroncio, tantalio, telurio, talio, estaño, titanio, uranio, vanadio, zinc, circonio.
655,00 €
655,00 €
Determine the degree of toxicity in the blood of different heavy metals such as Antimony, Arsenic, Cobalt, Chromium, Mercury, Platinum, Silver, Titanium, Gold, ......
Once the samples arrive at Biosalud Day Hospital, we will analyse them and when we have them we will send them to you by email along with our recommendations.
- Approximate time of results:
- Optimal analysis for:
Determine the degree of toxicity in the blood of different heavy metals such as Antimony, Arsenic, Cobalt, Chromium, Mercury, Platinum, Silver, Titanium, Gold, ......
- Type of sample:
Once the samples arrive at Biosalud Day Hospital, we will analyse them and when we have the results we will send them to you by email along with our recommendations.
- Example of results:
No results found.