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Our method


Investigating causes rather than suppressing symptoms

No solution to a disease can be found without understanding its root causes.

At Biosalud we start with the patient filling in an extensive questionnaire with all kinds of medical information and the study of all the tests that the patient can provide us with over the last 3 months. Once all the documentation has been studied, we carry out a much more personalised consultation, with a precise examination and the preparation of a very complete medical history. Every aspect is important. That is why the first consultation is especially important for us. It is key to complete all the information and to determine in an individual and personalised way the tests that are necessary to find out the causes that originate and maintain the disease in that particular case. It is not a question of giving a name to the problem, but of knowing its origin and the factors that produce and maintain it.

Our diagnostic tests include all the conventional markers available in medicine and other additional diagnostics such as in the area of chronic inflammation, metabolic processes, genetics, allergies, intolerances, enzymatic, nutritional and hormonal diagnostics, exposure to toxic substances, detoxification capacity, etc. They are very complete and essential to be able to deal with each case.

As part of the medical history, we will discuss with you which diagnostic measures and therapeutic methods are individually suitable for you.

Regulation and self-healing
Restoring the body's natural regulation is an essential key to health. There is no self-healing without regulation. To promote both, at BIOSALUD DAY HOSPITAL we investigate the causes and treat them with the most effective combinations. In this way we reinforce the success of the therapy and use the recovered strength for the next steps.

The human being - a holistic system
Our guiding principle "Investigate causes instead of suppressing symptoms" sounds simple, but it is very complex. If many specialists consider only one organ in isolation, this may make sense and have advantages. However, beyond that, the holistic view of the person should not be missing. It should be obvious to everyone that every organ in the body is related to all the others, which mesh like the gears of a watch. You, as a holistic complex system, are the basis of our examinations and therapies.

Environmental toxins: ubiquitous and growing in importance
Pollution caused by environmental toxins continues to increase in today's industrial society, and we cannot avoid it. Examples are the ubiquitous plastic packaging (microplastics, plastic softeners), poisons from road, air and sea traffic, fine dust from tyre abrasion, as well as countless indoor loads due to the off-gassing of paints, varnishes, adhesives, seals, household cleaning products, upholstered furniture, laser printers and many more products. Every day has a diverse cocktail to be absorbed by each of us.

Edibles: pro- and anti-inflammatories
Today, all supermarkets sell products containing several thousand additives. The most well-known contaminants in food are various preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilisers, plastic softeners, colourings, flavourings, flavourings. Countless residues from agriculture, such as pesticides, insecticides, fungicides and herbicides (e.g. glyphosate), artificial fertilisers, etc., are a daily burden for us. How little this pleases our organism is shown by the constant increase in symptoms.

Cosmetics, personal care products and medicines: side-effects included
In addition to food, various toxic ingredients in personal care products such as shampoos, body lotions, toothpaste, creams and cosmetics also affect our bodies. Even children's toys are known to be contaminated with plastic softeners and various harmful dyes and preservatives. A daily avalanche that seems to have no end.

Effects and consequences
Everyone can understand that this lifestyle cannot be without consequences. The daily flood of toxic loads does not necessarily make us suddenly ill, but it can drag us down. As a consequence, the adaptability, i.e. the regulation of the human organism, is increasingly reaching its limits. Diseases of civilisation such as multiple sclerosis (MS), multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), hyperactivity and hypersensitivity can be aggravated by toxic substances. Many other diseases are associated with these environmental toxicants. Allergies have also increased massively in recent years and cause diffuse problems throughout the body.

Paradigm shift: necessary for patients
All too often, patients with environmental illnesses are not recognised. Qualification as an environmental physician is the basis of knowledge. Old medical doctrines must be adapted to new knowledge. In order to know whether environmental influences are really to blame for a disease, a precise environmental medical analysis is necessary. That is why we have been running BIOSALUD DAY HOSPITAL for almost 40 years.

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