Cervical pain or cervical pain, dizziness...
Symptoms, treatment, causes Cervicalgia is a medical concept that comes from Latin, meaning neck pain. The pain
Symptoms, treatment, causes Cervicalgia is a medical concept that comes from Latin, meaning neck pain. The pain
Treatments to slow down cell damage Our society is getting longer and longer. We have a better quality of life and
Slimming thanks to genetic profiling Slimming thanks to genetic profiling is to lose weight by adjusting to our genetic map, which means to
Bursitis, tendinitis and other soft tissue syndromes Myofascial pain is caused by a non-inflammatory disorder that
Coeliac disease, permanent intolerance to the gluten in wheat, barley, rye and oats Coeliac disease is a food intolerance, specifically to the gluten in wheat, barley, rye and oats.
Find out whether you are suffering from physiological or pathological ageing. Aging can be defined as a progressive functional deterioration, or a
Affection of the exocrine system only or a systemic disease? Sjögren's syndrome is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease which
What is histamine syndrome? Histaminosis is not actually the name of a specific disease. It is understood
Chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease of the large intestine Ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune disease affecting the large intestine.
Is food intolerance testing effective? Finding out which foods are causing a food intolerance can be simple for some people.