Chelation therapy for coronary heart disease
Scientific questions and answers Modern humans are chronically exposed to a large number of toxins and pathogens.
Scientific questions and answers Modern humans are chronically exposed to a large number of toxins and pathogens.
Los test usados para detectar el Lyme La enfermedad de Lyme se basa en un diagnóstico clínico “historia médica,
How to treat the disease and its co-infections Lyme disease is an infection caused by the spirochete Borrelia spirochetes.
How to reduce the risks Sugar is a health risk and is responsible for 35 million deaths in the world's poorest countries.
Pioneers in biological medicine since 1985 We are celebrating our 31st anniversary in 2016. It seems like only yesterday that we started
Interview with Mariano Bueno on RNE's Radio Exterior Dr. Mariano Bueno, founder and General Director of Biosalud, clinic
Embryo biopsy Preimplantation genetic diagnosis or PGD is a complement to IVF (in vitro fertilisation),
Injection of platelet-rich plasma for neck pain The programme La Mañana de la 1, presented by
Exercises to improve lymphatic circulation Vascular physiotherapy is one of the ways to treat lymphoedema, which is caused by lymphoedema.
Biosalud's innovative proposal and biological medicine technology surprised visitors at Fitur Biosalud has surprised visitors