Scleroderma, the hard skin disease
Biosalud Day Hospital cuenta con tratamientos personalizados para paliar los efectos de esta dolencia rara, autoinmune y crónica que ataca al
Biosalud Day Hospital cuenta con tratamientos personalizados para paliar los efectos de esta dolencia rara, autoinmune y crónica que ataca al
Complementary cancer treatment is one of the key activities of Biosalud, which aims to join forces to expand
Colon hydrotherapy restores our body's capacity to eliminate toxins, maintaining and recovering in an optimal way.
The National Coeliac Disease Day aims to inform and raise awareness in society about this disease and about the reality of coeliac disease.
International Fibromyalgia Day is celebrated on 12 May to raise awareness of the condition.
Body hyperthermia is a therapeutic technique that consists of artificially increasing body temperature. This
On the occasion of the celebration of the European Day of Patients' Rights, we would like to remind you that at Biosalud we deal with
The secret to good health is taking care of the body inside and out, with food and nutrition.
Prevention and maintenance of biological balance is the best treatment to maintain health.
Non-invasive technology and no blood collection Biosalud Day Hospital has always been equipped with the latest medical technology;