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Today, we all fight Lyme together

Lyme tick

On 17 May last, the International Lyme Disease Day and to mark the occasion, we believe it is the right time to detail the symptoms of the disease, the stages of the pathology and how to prevent its effects.

During the month of May, the social networks of Biosalud Day Hospital transmitted different messages related to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this disease, known as "the great imitator", in order to raise awareness among everyone in the joint fight against it.

The ailment or Lyme disease is an infection that is transmitted through tick bites. If a tick has the Borrelia spirochete inside it, the bite of the arachnid can cause erythema migrans which, weeks later, can lead to neurological, cardiac or joint problems. It can be diagnosed clinically or by serological test.


Stages of Lyme disease

There are three phases of Lyme: an early phase, a dissemination phase, and a late phase.

  • The early stage is represented in three out of four patients by erythema: a reddish macule at the site of the bite, which appears 2 to 30 days later. This papule can sometimes measure up to 50 centimetres in diameter and, in many cases, has the shape of two concentric circles.
  • Dissemination: in this second phaseThe bacterium spreads throughout the body and some Lyme patients develop a musculoskeletal influenza process: with fatigue, fever, myalgia, even sore throat or back pain, and vomiting.
  • Finally, in the late phasewhich develops even years later, arthritis often occurs. Inflammation of the joints is combined with Baker's cysts and skin lesions. Abnormalities in sleep or memory also occur.


Late-stage Lyme disease treatment

Treatment against Chronic Lyme also consists of phases: a therapeutic preparation phase, a shock treatment, a home treatment and an evaluation of the progress achieved.

  • In the preparatory phase prepares the body for the specific treatment, replenishing nutrient deficiencies, eliminating toxins by INUSphereris®rebalancing the pH and strengthening the intestinal flora.
  • In the shock treatment antibiotics are used, but minimising side-effects as much as possible, and using innovative techniques such as ozone therapy o colon hydrotherapy.
  • In the phase of home treatment immune system stimulants are used, neurotoxins are drained and natural anti-infectives are used to improve the effectiveness of antibiotics and minimise pain.
  • Finally, the evaluation of the response is performed two months after shock therapy. After this clinical assessment, decisions are made on the basis of this information.


Lyme disease support

The SosLyme Foundation is a non-profit foundation which supports the sick from the city of Zaragoza.

It is one of the few Lyme patient associations in Spain, The disease has become more prevalent in recent years with the proliferation of tick colonies around cities, especially in wet areas and in the spring season.

This foundation is a great support for both Lyme patients and their families, who feel supported on the long road that can be involved in overcoming this disease.

In addition, in Biosalud Day Hospital we are a centre accredited by ILADS29, thus demonstrating our extensive experience in dealing with Lyme disease, when we apply the tailor-made treatmentand reduce the adverse effects of the pathology.

Our expertise in the field helps patients not only with accurate and effective treatment, but also in feeling supported throughout their treatment.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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