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Learn more about the Biosalud method

Learn more about the Biosalud method

At Biosalud Day Hospital we follow a pre-established protocol to help you: we listen to you, we analyse your body's data and figures with our diagnostic tests and we design your personalised treatment. In today's article we are going to break down the different steps of the Biosalud method with the aim of providing in-depth knowledge of the way we work.

  • The first step is effective communication between the patient and our medical specialists. This is a in-depth interview which discusses issues such as the patient's lifestyle, habits and day-to-day life. This can be done by telephone or via video conference if the patient is out of the country, but ideally the initial meeting should take place on our premises. In this way, the healthcare staff can explore the patient and assess the symptoms more appropriately.
  • Then, the second process of the Biosalud method consists in listen to your body and analyse the data obtained. This is the best way to make an accurate diagnosis and thus find the source of the problem. In these diagnostic tests, other interfering sources are also detected.
  • The third phase of the Biosalud Method consists of regulating the bodydetoxifying the patient and cleansing the digestive system. It depends entirely on the data found in the previous two steps.
  • The fourth step is the reactivation of the immune systemThis natural shield against viral infections, pathogens and bacteria is strengthened and reinforced, which protects the patient from future relapses or other illnesses.
  • After having completed all the previous phases, the time has come for the regeneration and reconstruction. The aim is to restore the tissues and areas damaged during the development of the pathology.
  • Finally, the final phase lasts for the rest of the patient's life with the maintaining well-being and healthy ageing. Biannual check-ups and constant contact with the patient is maintained.

In this way, the Biosalud method is an innovative system based on personalised proposals for each patient, combining the application of different techniques, medicines and serums in tailor-made doses and with a frequency designed ad-hoc. This combination of treatments and the use of high technologyThe healing of many illnesses is possible.

Biological medicine What is it and how do we develop it in Biosalud?

At Biosalud we combine biological medicine with conventional medicine, bringing a holistic approach to the treatment of diseases. The aim of this is to find the causes of the disease and solve the problem at its root.

With biological medicine we study the patient from a global perspective, analysing external aspects such as the environment and internal aspects such as emotions. The aim is to achieve an integral health and to do this, we use non-invasive healing techniques.

Through the biological or integrative medicineThe partnership between the patient and the practitioner is achieved, combining conventional and alternative methods in a personalised way. What biological medicine encourages is not to reject all conventional medicine, nor to accept all alternative therapies. Behind this branch of medicine there is a strong research base, which is complemented by a specialised medical professionals and state-of-the-art clinical facilities.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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