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Levothyroxine and hypothyroidism: All you need to know

Hypothyroidism: Everything you need to know

Hypothyroidism is a common condition, especially among middle-aged women, which may be autoimmune in origin. We will explain what it is and how a treatment such as levothyroxine can help. 

What is hypothyroidism? 

This is the name given to a condition caused by the thyroid gland does not generate the necessary amount of certain key hormones. Among them, T4 and T3whose synthesis is regulated by the TSHwhich in turn is secreted in the pituitary gland.

These are the so-called thyroid hormones and are responsible for regulating the body's metabolism. When there is a shortage of them, TSH increases in an attempt to get the thyroid to produce more. Hypothyroidism, however, prevents this. The consequence is a decrease in the general activity of the organism. This affects cardiac, neuronal and digestive functions.

Causes of hypothyroidism

The most common cause of this disease is the so-called Hashimoto's thyroiditiswhich leads to autoimmune phenomena. The latter, in turn, lead to the destruction of the thyroid. It is the body itself that does not recognise this gland and attacks it with antibodies produced by the immune system.

Other less common reasons why you may suffer from this condition include thyroid carcinoma and radioactive iodine treatmenthyperthyroidism or surgery on this gland.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism

According to the above, you should know that the main symptoms of this disease are tiredness and fatigueThe symptoms may include a particular sensitivity to cold, apathy and weight gain. However, others such as brittle hair and nails, dry skin and even depression may also occur.

If you think you have this condition, you should seek treatment, as in extreme cases it can lead to more serious illnesses.

Treatment of hypothyroidism: levothyroxine

Fortunately, this disease has a relatively simple treatment that allows you to lead a completely normal life. Through medication, we replace what is not produced by the thyroid gland.

In particular, if you suffer from this condition, treatment with levothyroxinewhich replaces the T4 hormone. Levothyroxine is a hormone that must be combined with other therapies, pharmacological or otherwise. Levothyroxine has a long life in the body and, in addition, it is responsible for produce T3. Thus, there is no need for extra T3 as part of the treatment.

Once the doctor has established the appropriate dose, you should be monitored periodically to see how the treatment is working and we will test your T4 and T3 levels periodically to see how your T4 and T3 are working. adjusting the dose of levothyroxine. However, you may be interested to know that it is a chronic disease. But the good news is that, if treated well, it will not limit your day-to-day life.

However, the best treatment for hypothyroidism is to the integral. In addition to levothyroxine, which may be the most important thing, with an integrative medicine approach you will be given additional guidelines. They will advise you to follow a diet that does not include foods with a lot of fibre or soya, as these hinder the absorption of levothyroxine, and they will also recommend physical exercise.

In conclusion, the hypothyroidism is a disease caused by a malfunctioning thyroid gland. Although chronic, with the right treatment, you can lead a completely normal life.

Mariano Bueno

Dr. Mariano Bueno and his team

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